Show Off Those Curves!

San Jose Boudoir Photography

My husband posted a link on Facebook this morning to an ad from the 1960’s called Wate-On. I thought it was great and did some research on this product. This was a large campaign featuring many starlets and beauty queens.

It’s amazing how times have changed along with the populous view of what is beautiful. Personally I think a curvaceous figure is gorgeous and I long for curves in the right spot. Unfortunately my curves are on my hips and waste- wouldn’t be so bad if I was blessed with some upper endowment to even it all out but alas I am what is commonly called “The Pear”. Haha. I did however gain some bust line with the birth of my sons and happily sport a padded B cup, a long way from my AA’s days…Wahooo! It seems so strange to actually be considered “overweight” now. Many long to be “skinny” and as a girl who grew up on the skinny side it was not much fun. I was underweight do to years of medication and was cursed to drink Ensure in the hopes of putting on some pounds. Blech! Being called skinny all the time and being asked if I was anorexic was just as insulting as someone being called fat. It was hurtful and I longed for some curves.

The woman in this ad is not a skinny mini and yet look how gorgeous she is! I have heard for many years that most men actually like a little meat on the bones so why aren’t we embracing our true beauty more? I can assure you that your significant other finds you sexy the way you are right now. Enjoy it and by all means don’t let them call you skinny!

Book Your Coterie Mini Today!

San Jose Boudoir Photography

We still have spots available for our Coterie Mini Marathon on Jan 8th-9th. Don’t hesitate, I promise you will love the experience. You do NOT have to be a sz two, women come in all sizes and all sizes are beautiful! Trust me when I say that your special someone loves you the way you look right now, so why not step it up a notch and show off just how stunning you really are!!

She has a wonderful sense of humor and is very sweet, I really enjoyed my time with her, which I think is one of the most important factors in choosing a good photographer.

Here is what a recent client had to say about the experience: “I had a fantastic session with Danea. I felt so comfortable with her, even though it was my first time meeting her and I was practically naked. She has a wonderful sense of humor and is very sweet, I really enjoyed my time with her, which I think is one of the most important factors in choosing a good photographer. I couldn’t believe… my eyes when we finally got to see the edited images, they looked magazine worthy!! We were very pleased (my husband and myself!) and thought the entire experience was certainly worth it and I think EVERY woman should be able to have fun like this and feel beautiful the way I felt.
Highly recommended!!” -Paula

Don’t forget that for a limited time I am offering a complimentary Coterie Centerfold to everyone who books a session. Plus if you book with a friend you’ll both receive a surprise complimentary gift. Check the previous post for more fun giveaways to everyone who books a session through February! Have any questions? Need more encouragement? Feel free to drop me a line or give me a call!

Christmas Giving

San Jose Boudoir Photography

With only three more sleeps until Christmas I thought it would be fun to celebrate by offering a complimentary Coterie Centerfold with any booked session through Feb 28th. This offer applies to both full and mini sessions. This hot little book will quickly become a favorite piece!

Want more?

Share this link with your Facebook friends, come back here and leave a comment telling us that you did so and you’ll also receive a beautiful 8×10 mounted print of your choice!

So if you have been on the fence about booking, now is the time. The Coterie centerfold is a $90 value, the mounted print is $50- that’s $140 gift for booking an amazing, pampering session that you will never forget- in the good way, trust me.

Wonderful fine print: No substitutions or cash value.

Signature Centerfold

Boudoir Coterie

I’m so excited to announce the new Coterie Signature Centerfold. This piece is so much fun and the perfect gift for that special someone or keep it in your purse to show off. Why not you’ll look fantastic and want to share!

You can check out the full set of images in the Coterie Boutique.


this blog gallery will be the death of me. Sorry I am taking so long. Pure user error getting this up and running!! LOL.

Mini Marathon

We will be holding our first mini marathon shoot this January. Sessions are very limited. For more information please contact me at or check out our FB fan page at Boudoir Coterie.

Boudoir Coterie