Birthday Celebrations

Boudoir Photography San Jose Bay Area

Tomorrow is my birthday and I want to share in the celebrations. I’ll have some fun specials and giveaways happening on my Facebook Fan Page tomorrow so if you are not yet a fan, join now! Yes, I know tomorrow is April Fool’s Day and no these will NOT be jokes. 🙂

There’s no fun in leaving a post picture-less, so here’s a fun, yet completely unrelated image I played with this afternoon.

San Jose Boudoir Phtographer

Boudoir Coterie San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Walk This Way

Boudoir Photography San Jose Bay area

Sunday I went shopping with a girlfriend to purchase a new birthday outfit for Saturday’s hot date with the hubby. I purchased a dress- something I don’t wear much of, mostly due to having a hard time finding pretty and sexy *flat* shoes. At the store we were shopping at I discovered Kitten Heal shoes- thanks Devon for giving them a name for me. 😉 I have rarely come across this style shoe while on my never ending hunt and sadly the one pair I liked did not have my size. Thus began my online search. I came upon and yes I managed to find lots of possible low heal options. However, like always, my not so secret longing to wear actual heals lead me to a line called Naughty Monkey- who could resit a name like that? Not I! Wow, do they have some fun and sexy shoes.

As I’ve said before, sexy heals are a must have for boudoir shoots. This doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on a one time wear. You can borrow from a friend or scour some online deals if heals are just not your thing. I am hoping to eventually start a collection of shoe options to offer clients but until then you can all gaze longingly, like I do, at some super hot heals here on my blog.

Boudoir Coterie

I will always be a sucker for animal prints and check out the heal design on that gray shoe- pure sparkly awesomeness! Many of these styles come in multiple colors and patterns so go check THESE out- you naughty little monkey you. 😉

P.S. How many of you started singing “Walk this way,talk this waaay… ♪♫ ♪” by Areosmith and Run DMC after reading that title? If not are ya now? Ha.

Boudoir Coterie San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Let Me Work It

Redwood City Boudoir

I love me some before and after shots, and who doesn’t really? There’s something about seeing a lady transform into a beautiful and sexy woman! I remember being home sick from school and getting so excited when the talk shows were doing before and afters. Jenny Jones always seemed to have them- did I just date myself with that reference or what? Haha.

I also love it when clients allow me to show their true nakedness, and by this I don’t mean in the buff- well, not this time at least. Miss Pinky allowed a before shot and I want to share. Boudoir photography isn’t all about the makeup and clothes(but an awesome MUA can REALLY help- props to my girl Julie). A great boudoir photographer knows how to work it- angles, poses, lighting and just the right amount of digital enhancing. Yes, I soften skin but I don’t remove all signs of age. Pinky has gorgeous skin and personally I love the soft lines (I hate the terms crows feet) at the corner of the eyes. It shows laughter, life experience and yes, beauty. I won’t reveil her exact age but I will say that I can only hope to look this good in my 40’s. 😉

Boudoir Before & After San Jose

You look amazing Miss Pinky! Thank you so much for letting me share.

Boudoir Coterie San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Party Time!

Boudoir Photography in the San Jose Bay Area

San Jose bay Area Boudoir Photography

If you haven’t happened upon it, then I have to let you all know that I have officially posted my Elite Coterie Party packages. Parties are for 4-7 girls and can be  planned for any occasion! Bachelorette, birthdays, celebrating the completion of the last load of dirty laundry- you name it, we’ll plan it!

So get your girls together and enjoy this amazing experience. Each lady chooses their preferred package, the hostess and I work out all the details and everyone enjoys a personal boudoir shoot. It’s a win-win for everyone. Oh and did I mention that there are hostess perks? You REALLY want to be a hostess- trust me. When 5-7 girls book the hostess receives a complimentary package!!

Make your next gathering one to remember & party like it’s HOT!

Oh what the heck, let’s add even more fun to this news: Be the first to book an Elite Coterie Party and EACH girl will receive a complimentary mounted 5×7 print!

Have questions? Want more info? Give me a call or shoot me an email! 408.460.1855 or

Boudoir Coterie San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Back On My Feet

San Jose Boudoir Photography

For the past two weeks I have been quite ill. What started as a sore throat, turned into the loss of my voice and a weekend in bed. Thankfully I am finally starting to get my energy back and can get some work done around here!

Before this virus kicked my butt I had been working on some marketing items. I created some very pretty gift certificates to hand out to a few local boutiques. I also got in touch with my crafty side and made this very lovely bouquet for Melanie at Dutchess Intimates Boutique. I have to admit I have quite enjoyed seeing it sit on the cabinet behind the dining room table since completing it and I will be a little sad to see it’s cheery blossoms leave our home.

San Jose Bay area intimate photography

In other news, I finally finished my About page. 😉 Also, I will be announcing our next marathon sessions very soon. Those of you who are signed up for our newsletter will be receiving dates and information in advance- you lucky dames!

Have a wonderful week,

Boudoir Coterie San Jose Boudoir Photographer