San Jose Boudoir Photographer: Holiday Marathon Shoot

Boudoir Coterie sexy boudoir photography

As some of you already know, last week I announced the date for our current Holiday Marathon on October 22nd. I had some ladies jump on that announcement and book right away, but we still have a couple spots left! Here is the basic run down of a marathon session:

Marathon sessions are now $300(I lowered the price by $50) and include the following:

-Pre-session consultation.
-Two hour session.
-One hour with hair/makeup, second hour with photographer(yours truly).
-Minimum of 20 hand retouched images presented at an in person ordering and design session.
-Covers time and talent of the photographer and use of location.
-Boutique products sold separately.


Now for the even better news- lots of bonuses for my fabulous clients!

The first FIVE people to book a Marathon or Full session will receive $50 OFF their session fee. Yup, only the first 5 lucky dogs to book will receive this awesome $50 savings. Please, save your applause for later, I’m not done yet. *snicker*

YAY! for the new studio space! Let’s give them more!

Okay, I’m down for that, how about this… ANYONE who spends
at least $1000* (includes session fee and products) will receive a gorgeous 16×24 Luxe Gallery Canvas Wrap ($375 value).

San Jose Campbell Saratoga Los Gatos boudoir photographer

Lastly- if you are a VIP newletter member and you book a Full or Marathon session to take place between Oct 3rd – Dec 11th you will receive your choice of either a Coterie Signature Centerfold or a gorgeous Metal Print, a $90 value, with your product order. My gift to you!Not a VIP member yet- that’s ok, sign up now or when you book and you will still receive this complimentary gift!

San Jose Bay Area glamour and boudoir portrait photography

*$1000 before taxes and does not include a hair and makeup add-on for a Full sessions. This offer is valid on session booked between Oct 3rd- December 11th, 2011.

No more waiting, calm those nerves and give me a call- you can’t pass on this awesome value- and I PROMISE you, you would look and feel fantastic! I’ll help melt those nerves away, guaranteed.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

San Jose Boudoir Photographer | The Studio- It’s All Mine!

It’s been a whirlwind of a week and as some of you may already know, I found a place! Every time I think about it I get butterflies. Actually, I believe it may be a whole flock of butterflies. Do butterflies flock? Certainly it wouldn’t be a herd of butterflies? Maybe a swarm, but  a swarm of butterflies sounds menacing and I picture greaser like butterflies with switch blades and leather jackets coming at me. Wait, a kaleidoscope. Yes, a kaleidoscope of butterflies(that sounds pretty), flutter around in my tummy. At least 103 I believe.  That’s a LOT of butterflies, but I digress… I cannot believe this has all happened so fast and out of the blue, but the perfect little gem presented itself to me and it was an opportunity that I couldn’t pass up. I have been in a frenzy trying to find items to furnish this space and so far so good. I get the keys Oct 1st and will need to do some quick designing and arranging for my first client shoot later that week. *Eek* I am so excited, words cannot express it! Here’s a little peek- furniture in the pictures belongs to the current tenant but I am crossing my fingers that the couch will stay. 😉

Boudoir Coterie San Jose Photographer

It’s small, but lovely and has so much potential. ♥

Stay tuned for launch party dates. I mean come on people, it’s a new studio, a celebration is mandatory, right? 😉

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for the newsletter do so asap! There’s a special booking bonus in that baby for VIP newsletter peeps only! Oh, and LOTS more fun announcements to come. Psssst, check out the header on the main blog page if you just can’t wait for the news. 😉

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photographer: I’m In Love ♥

A Place To Call My Own

So there’s a lot going on around here. I am trying desperatly to find a shooting space. At this point I don’t mind renting from actual photography studios but they are hard to come by. So now I am on a quest to find my own rental and this could mean a shared adventure with a fellow photog. Unfortunately with this economy renting an actual full studio on my own in the Bay area isn’t going to happen. For now I am on the look out for a small space that will work for a bedroom setup. I have a couple prospects so please keep those fingers crossed!

The Holidays are coming, the Holidays are coming!

The holiday season is fast approaching and this means that Christmas and Valentines sessions are in full swing- that’s right I said “Valentines”. I tend get a little nauseous when I see holiday product in the stores 4 months early BUT in the case of photography sessions NOW is the time to start planning. Why so early you ask? Yeah, I know some of you didn’t ask but I shall tell you all just the same. *Most* boudoir clients prefer a gorgeous album of their images, whether for themselves or as a gift. These albums can take up to six weeks to deliver from the date the the album order is sent to the lab. Add on another 3 weeks from the minute your session ends to the time we view your images and I design your album and you could easily have a two month time span. Here’s another little fact, this time of year is the craziest for portrait photographers and pro labs so album companies can get back logged with orders. I’m not saying this will happen, but it could and sometimes does, so it is always best to plan your session accordingly so neither of us are biting our nails or cursing the fact that the holiday has come and gone and your album still shows ” in production” at the lab site. That would suck.

♥ SIGH ♥

I’ll be honest here, I am on a never ending journey to find gorgeous lingerie. This may not be the time and place to discuss this but when have I ever held back on what needs to be said so why start now? There truly is a difference between classy and trashy. That’s not to say there isn’t a time and place for both(I’m all for the trashy when the time is right) but when it comes to having boudoir images done, let’s go with classy ladies, not trashy. Like 80’s hair, lingerie can leave you with the “What was I thinking?” feeling and I certainly wouldn’t want that to happen 10 years down the road when you pull that gorgeous leather bound album out of your drawer for a little romance spark and instead you end up laughing so hard you are in tears over how ridiculous that gold lamae thong looks with that red glitter bra. Yikes. Now I won’t tell you “No!” if you insist on wearing something but I might give a little snicker and a sarcastic “Ummm, ok. If that’s what you really want.” Okay, not really but if you can image that might be my reaction then you best leave that little gem tucked away for private use. 😉   My goal is to guide your wardrobe selection so you have amazing and timeless images. We’ll work together on this, I promise.

I recently came upon a store called SOL. WOW! They carry so many gorgeous items. I would like to use “unique” as a descriptive word on some of their lines as they stand out from your average department store lingerie. Not “unique” as in the kid from your third grade class who wore his socks on his hands and ate dirt. I’m talking unique as in not often seen and stands out from the rest… although that kid did stand out from the rest, but I digress.  Stunning, classy and very sophisticated items. One line in particular that I now have an unhealthy crush on is Aubade. It’s a European line that is so pretty and sexy that even the images without models are seductive- then again this could be my crazy love for this line talking. ♥ Aubade, siiiigggghhh ♥  Where was I? Oh yeah, the lingerie… ok so here are two sets from the countless pieces they offer(shown with two different panty options- but they still had more). You better bet I’ll be showcasing more of this in the future- stuff with lots of color and femininity. Another cool thing about this line is all the mix and match options you have to choose from. So check them out and then check out SOL which seems to be one of very few American distributors of this line. Feel free to email me your thank you notes, or send flowers/chocolates for introducing you all to such awesomeness. You’re very welcome.

Boudoir Coterie San Jose Bay Area Photograher