How hot would your couples session get?
I’m going to be straight with you all. This session freakin’ rocked! I couldn’t be happier with the outcome of my first couples shoot and I get giddy each time I look through the full set of images. I would like to take full credit for these amazing shots, but, uh, look at these gorgeous people! Hot damn, they made my job easy peasy… However, as much as I want to show them off(and I have total permission to), I just can’t shake that “What if my mom knew what I was up to?” feeling, and she TOTALLY knows! LOL. It’s like I feel sorta voyeuristic, even though I guided the session and took the images. They are hot, they are sexy and they are intimate. I must share them so people will know what to expect with a couples shoot, right? There are so many possibilities and I need to spread that knowledge to those who may be wondering if it’s the right session for them. So if you blush easy, you may want to divert your eyes, or at least pretend to cover them while secretly peeking through the cracks of your fingers. Shhhhh, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t. 😉
Ok, let’s cool it down a bit…
Much better. Haha. Now, how cute is this shot!? The tie was her idea and I LOVE it!
Now for those of you thinking “This was nothing.” They get hotter…. much hotter. I’m baby stepping these pictures so I don’t melt anyone’s computers with one big reveal. *Snicker*
Happy Thursday everyone!