And The Winner Is… | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photography

Today’s post has been sponsored by Boudoir Coterie, San Jose’s Premier  Boudoir Portrait Study(I just made that up but it sounded pretty good, don’t ya think? Hahaha)

Book your Girls Day Beauty Party by Thursday night(Jan 26th) to experience your own fabulous Coterie session. These mini packages don’t come along very often so take advantage now and you too can be a Coterie Girl! Call Now 408.460.1855

Boudoir Coterie San Jose bay Area sexy portrait photography

And now back to our regular scheduled program…

I would once again like to thank all three gorgeous gals for doing such a wonderful job and allowing me to photograph them in such an intimate fashion. You were all amazing and I truly hope you enjoyed this experience and will treasure your gorgeous images for years to come!

Without further adieu…

The winner of the of the 2012 Signature Coterie Girl search is the lovely Miss A!

Image removed, my apologies.

Congratulations Miss A, you are stunning and I look forward to working with you through out the year. You will be an awesome muse for my creative ideas!

I would also like to send a huge thank you to the judges that took the time to help me choose a winner. I am honored to say that these ladies are not only talented Boudoir Photographers from around the world but friends whom I dearly respect. Please take some time to visit their sites and say hello.

Petra Herrmann of Bella Boudoir– Kansas City, Kansas

Lesley Stefanski of Adley Studio– Den Bosch, Amsterdam

Stacie Frasier Of Haute Shots– Las Vegas, Nevada

Lynn Clark of Bare Boudoir Studio– Denver, Colorado

Kirsten Kowalski of DDK Boudoir– Alpharetta, Georgia

Thanks again to everyone for all your help with this contest, including Melissa Ruiz, for the gorgeous makeup and  my good friend Ramona for being my assistant for the day!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out our Facebook Fan Page and “Like” you favorite gals images for her chance to win a gorgeous Signature Centerfold!

Voting ends Saturday night.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Signature Coterie Girl Finalists | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

Area you ready to see the finalists?

Two weeks ago today I had the honor of meeting and photographing the three Signature Coterie Girl finalists. They were all excited, nervous and full of laughs. I enjoyed working with each lovely lady and reveled in their wonderful personalities and unique qualities. Seriously ladies, you were all amazing and really worked it for the camera!

I chose my ten favorite images of each girl to post, then realized that 30 images might just make a record length (and slightly overwhelming) blog post, so with the advice from a friend(thanks Bill) I narrowed it down to my top 5 images- not an easy feat! But don’t worry gals, you’ll get to see ALL your session images very soon.

This is how the judging will go down: I have a panel of amazing judges. They are boudoir photographers from around the world who’s work and business models I admire and respect. They will be helping me choose the 2012 Signature Coterie Girl!

I thought we’d also have a little Facebook fun. I will be posting each girls grouping of images on FB, the girl who receives the most likes on her image will receive a complimentary Signature Centerfold. So share your images ladies!!

Now, without further adieu, your 2012 Signature Coterie Girl finalists…

Miss S.

San Jose Sexy Boudoir Photos

Miss M.

San Jose Bay Area Sexy Boudoir Photos

Wow, are these ladies smokin’ hot or what!?

Thank you so much girls for such a fantastic experience!

I would also like to say a special thank you to my MUA Melissa Ruiz for doing such an amazing job on makeup for these gorgeous gals! ♥

We’ll be announcing the winner very soon, so be sure to check back. Enjoy the rest of you weekend everyone!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

How Brave Are You? | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Do you want gorgeous pictures of yourself?

That might sound like a silly question, but how many of you would be brave enough… let me rephrase that. How many of you are willing to allow yourself to look and feel beautiful?

I hear a lot from woman who are hesitant to have a boudoir shoot done and I TOTALLY get that. I do. I’m sure you can imagine all the reasons, from weight issues, confidence issues all the way to financial. I’ll be honest, the only excuse that doesn’t make me want to pull my hair out in frustration… is the money but even that can be accomplished with some desire and planning- make sure to read to the bottom of this post! But girlfriends, you can ALL rock it in front of my camera, no matter what your excuse might be… I promise you!

Last month I was so very lucky to have my best friend come for a visit. She lives in a different state so we rarely get to see each other. When I first started boudoir she stated that there was NO WAY she would ever get in front of my camera for “sexy pictures”. That all changed last month. I told her to come prepared to do a little shoot at the studio. “You don’t have to be in your underwear if you don’t want to. We’ll do some modern glamour shots, something sexy and playful.” She agreed… with a heavy sigh and eye rolls. Oh yeah, I can “hear” eye rolls through the phone.

This very hesitant lady was soon actually enjoying having her picture taken and even though it got late and dark and I had to pull out my trusty soft box light, we had a blast! Now I’ll admit, that I don’t want clients seeing their unedited files. I don’t want them seeing a dimple or little bulge that might make them feel self conscious or negative about their appearance in anyway. Again, I don’t do drastic editing, just some basics to smooth things over. However Miss S sat next to me as I showed her my selected images and began the edits. She got to witness how little I actually did and how it really was her, no magic on my end, just her. When all was done we sat together, scrolling through her beautiful gallery. She then broke the silence and softly thanked me for making her feel pretty again. “I haven’t felt this way in years” and for a moment I didn’t know what to say. Crap, now I’m all teary eyed just thinking about it, but it’s the truth and in her words “It’s the best Christmas present ever.”

I am not exaggerating when I say that these comments from clients(in this case my BFF) makes my heart soar! It is the reason why I have shifted gears and decided to put all my photography efforts into making women feel beautiful. I love this job, I really, truly, love it!

Miss S was so awesome she even let me take a before… I know how ya’ll love a good before and after!!

Boudoir Coterie Sexy Images Portrait Studio

Boudoir Coterie Bay Area Portrait StudioBoudoir Coterie sexy glamour and boudoir pictures

Shhhhhh, but I did get her in her undies. I’m skilled like that. *Wink*

Now let’s go back to my original question… Do you want gorgeous pictures of yourself?

I’m pretty sure you do, so I am offering a *very last minute* party session. Just in time for Valentine’s Day or simply do it for yourself(this get’s my vote).

Book with two friends and you will each receive a complimentary gift!

So come and spend a day getting beautified. No more excuses, muster up that courage and let’s make this happen.

Boudoir Coterie San Jose bay Area sexy portrait photography

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Get ’em While It’s Hot | San Jose Photographer

Do YOU know what your giving your lover this Valentine’s Day?

Boudoir Coterie still has availability for our Sweetheart Valentine’s Package that takes place in the comfort of our studio, just ONE more week ladies and gents!

Give him a gift of images that will knock his socks off(and likely other articles of clothing). *wink, wink*

Give her the gift of a fun, pampering session that will leave her feeling gorgeous, confident and sexier than she could ever imagine!

Call today 408.460.1855

Last Saturday was AMAZING! I did the test shoots for our three Signature Coterie Girls and they all looked gorgeous. Thanks again ladies for doing such a terrific job! I can’t wait to dive into their images and get them posted for all to see. Stay posted, they’ll be coming soon. 🙂

After the test sessions I got to photograph the lovely Miss K who won a complimentary session at our Boudoir Coterie studio launch party last month. I love that a full session can be personalized to fit the style and personality of each lady and I completely encourage adding elements that do just that. Miss K was spunky with a very fun *Rock Out* attitude.

San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photography

… but she also had that sweet sex kitten in her and I love this kind of session diversity!

San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photopgraphy

You look gorgeous Miss K and you are going to gush when you see your full gallery of images! Teehee.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

New Beginnings | San Jose bay Area Boudoir & Glamour Photography

First and foremost…

I want to send out a HUGE thank you to all the beautiful women who entered our Signature Coterie Girl search! You made my job of choosing just three finalists, a hard one. You also made me realize that I do not enjoy the down side of disappointing people and if I could afford to do a mini test session for all of you I most certainly would! With each new entry I was all “Wow, she would be SO much fun to photograph!” I kid you not! So before I announce the three finalist I want to extend my gratitude to each lovely lady who entered with a $200 VIP credit!

I am so excited to begin this new adventure and already have a shoot idea in mind for my future Coterie Girl. *Eeeek*

Uhhh, wait… I don’t want to put full names here so you’ll have to check my FB Fan Page for that information. 😉

Now, because I love to share piuctures- um duh? Here’s some fun before and after boudoir shots from the studio launch party last month. Thanks again Miss D for doing such a great job as my model!

Boudoir Coterie sexy images photos portraits

Happy New Year Everyone!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer