Sweet & Sexy | San Jose Boudoir Portrait Photography

A few months back I had the honor of photographing this stunning gal. When I asked her if she had modeled before she admitted that she had not and thought she was not loved by the camera. What??? She was a total natural and we both had a chuckle when she confessed to practicing some facial expression in the mirror. To that I applaud her as I recomend this to my clients but few head my advice. Miss R nailed it, from coy to sex kitten she was throwing different looks at me and the camera was eating it up!

Last week we had a much anticipated meeting at a coffee shop so she could finally look through her gorgeous album. I love seeing a client’s reaction to how beautiful they look and the almost nervous giggles that they get while looking at sexy images of themselves. Miss R. had such a genuine, almost disbelief at how beautiful she is when she saw her images for the first time but seeing her album was even better. Heck, even I wanted to keep flipping through the pages! Hahaha. We parted with her having plans to gift her lucky man on the weekend… maybe. A few days later I received a lovely email from her with his reaction:

“Hi Danea,
I could not wait to give him the album, so I ended up giving in and giving it to him that day. I am so glad I didn’t wait. He absolutely loved the Album. He was so touched that I made him a gift. He couldn’t stop looking at the album. He really liked the close up picture of my rear end lol and the surf one. He kept reminding me through out the day how much he liked them and how the photos were really hot :)! I hope its okay that I used one of the photos as my profile picture on facebook. My mom loved the pictures I shared with her. She thought you did a fabulous job and she loved my hair and makeup. Thank you Danea for a wonderful and unforgettable experience! I felt so beautiful that day.  I really can not wait to do it again and bring a few of my girlfriends a long as well.
Gratefully yours,
Miss R.” -Yes, I changed her name as she doesn’t normally go be Miss R. 😉


So here is Miss R, looking hot. And what the heck, I’ve posted it before but let’s start with a Before & After for fun.


Boudoir Coterie Glamour and sexy boudoir pictures


I too LOVE her makeup. Thanks Melissa Ruiz, you did a fantastic job!


Boudoir Coterie sexy portrait photography


Boudoir Coterie sexy portrait photography
I certainly hope we get to work together again someday Miss R. I had a blast!


Want that sexy little coral Bra set? Check out Besos in Los Gatos!


One last reminder that tomorrow is the last day to cash in on our Sizzling Summer Special. So call me asap! 408.460.1855


We still have session times available for our Celebrate Summer Boudoir Party packages as well, so get it while it’s hot!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Let’s Do It Again! | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Party Photographer

We’re Moving!

That’s right… across the hall to a bigger and brighter space and we want to leave the old with a bang so we are having another session party!

Book alone or with friends, it doesn’t matter because we always have a blast!

Campbell Saratoga Los Gatos Boudoir Photographer

Private parties

Rather have a private party with your bestest of friends? That can be arranged also! All we need is a minimum of 3 lovely ladies(maximum of 5) and the hostess will receive a special booking gift for all her work in helping plan the event! So CONTACT ME today and we’ll plan the PERFECT girls day that will leave you all feeling amazing and ready for a night on the town!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Sizzling Summer Boudoir Special | San Jose Boudoir & Glamour Photography

Let’s Celebrate!

Summer is just a few short weeks away and it’s already getting hot in here at our San Jose Boudoir Studio. We got the fans going and that’s just fine- it makes for some sexy hair shots. 😉 But I want to turn up the heat a little more and get some of you gorgeous girls into Boudoir Coterie for your own personal pampering day. What? You think your too old? Too fat? To thin? You don’t feel gorgeous? You’re lacking that sexy feeling? Nonsense! Just call me Stella and I’ll help you get your groove back. I promise. It doesn’t matter if you want a glamour or boudoir shoot, ah heck, do both! You will have one of the BEST experiences from our first consultation to the day of your shoot with one of my fantastic MU artists and the magic done by a divine hair stylists from Atelier SalonSpa and Studio in Santana Row.  That’s right Atelier has joined our team(FYI, I am so stinkin’ excited about this!) and they do such a rockin’ job keeping every hair in place during your shoot. The best part is your reveal session when you come back to the studio to see just how sensational your session really was! Oh, and of course the day I hand you a pretty package with all your goodies and you get to touch and feel your fabulous products!

Still need a little more incentive? Okay, I hear ya. How about this…

Book any package by June 15th to take place between now and August 18 and you will receive a marvelous booking bonus! Each bonus can be used towards any additional products we offer. Maybe you want a canvas print or a bedside folio? Or maybe you want to use it for a package add-on or album upgrade? It’s yours to spend however you choose!

Here’s the details on what you will get with each package:

Starlette- Receive a $500 spending bonus

Dutchess- Receive a $400 spending bonus.

Contessa- Receive a $200 spending bonus.

Mademoiselle- Receive a $100 spending bonus.

That’s right free money to spend on anything in our boutique! Contact me to find out more information on what each package entails. The starting package is our Mademoiselle, it’s $900 +tax and includes hair, makeup, one hour behind the camera, 25 fully edited images to view and a 20 image 6×6 Little Black Book. Book page designs are customized to fit your style.

From here packages go up to 2 hour sessions behind the camera and include our custom leather Luxe Albums, digital files and more(depending on your package choice).

I do not allow package substitutions and hair and makeup is mandatory. If you choose to have your hair done elsewhere it must be done professionally and no moneys will not be subtracted from your package price, it is what is, my dear. But hey, it really is one of the best parts of the day… sipping a glass of wine while being primped and pampered, who’d refuse that? Not I! LOL.

Here’s one last little push… since we all love a Before & After.

The lovely Miss R came into the studio with the belief that she simply wasn’t photogenic but really wanted to do something special for her boyfriend. She had one of the greatest reactions of any client I have seen and I was quiet surprised that she genuinely was shocked at how gorgeous she is. Yesterday I delivered her album and she couldn’t stop flipping through the pages, smiling and giggling. It was AWESOME!

Boudoir Coterie Glamour and sexy boudoir pictures

 Making women feel this good, is THE BEST part of my job!

Call me now 408.460.155 Shoot me an email: bcoterie@sbcglobal.net or fill out this Contact Form. Yup, it’s that easy!

P.S. I am NOT a high volume studio. I choose to limit how many clients I book each month so I can give them my devoted time and attention. This means that sadly, spaces are limited for this deal and it’s first come first serve. And, as always you can always come in for a complimentary consultation to see if I’m the right photographer for you.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

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