A Boudoir Coterie Session | San Jose Boudoir & Glamour Photography

Ever wonder what really goes down when you book a Boudoir Coterie photo session?

I thought I would give a run down on how a session with me(Danea) plays out- from start to finish. This will give everyone a great idea of what to expect and the experience I strive to give all my clients. I am not a “show up at this time, shoot and go home” photographer. I invest myself in each client just as each client is investing in this wonderful experience for themselves and significant other. So let’s get started…

First, you need to contact me.  Seems obvious right? But nerves can stop you from picking up the phone or clicking away on your keyboard. So take a deep breath, relax and go for it. Regardless of it being through email, contact form or phone call, I will respond as soon as possible to answer your questions. I prefer to schedule a complimentary in person consultation at the studio to go over my products and investment guide as it always poses more questions and it’s so much easier to sit down and go over everything than it is to go back and forth through email. Besides, it’s a great time for you to see the studio, meet me in person, enjoy a glass of wine and have fun. I recommend to all inquiries, to shop around and meet any potential photographers they are thinking about working with ESPECIALLY for boudoir. Not only do you need to be drawn to the photographers work and style but to their personality. If you don’t feel comfortable with him or her(or myself) then it will show in your images and you won’t have the amazing time you deserve. So yeah, as much as *I* want to be the one your hire and it’s not the norm for businesses to push you towards their competition, I encourage you to explore, it’s your investment and being informed and happy with your final decision is very important.

During your consult you will decide if you are ready to book and if so which package or session suits your needs, then we choose a date. Once you are all booked in we will go over a small questionnaire that will help me get to know you better and understand how to customize your shoot- don’t worry, it’s painless and dare I say… fun. 😉

Next we discuss wardrobe and if you would like to add a complimentary wardrobe consult. These can be at the studio, if you already have ideas of what you want to wear or at a local boutique where we’ll spend a few hours shopping for the perfect items! I recommend crashing your closet for all kinds of  “non lingerie” items that we can sex up a bit. Haha. During this wardrobe consult we will piece together your outfits for the day of your session.

As you can see, a  pretty scarf and panties can look amazing!

Sexy boudoir pictures San Jose Bay Area Photography

Once your wardobe is set and any shoot ideas are in place you are ready for your session. The day of your session you will arrive MU free with day old hair(unless you had a crazy previous day and it needs a good washing, hahaha) but a bit of product can be a good thing for holding a style. It’s also a great idea to arrive sans undergarments or at least wearing items that are not constricting, deep panty lines on your booty are not attractive. 😉

My makeup artist and I will go over our MU plan with you and this varies per client depending on skin tones and facial shape. What I ask the most is that you trust us, as we know what will look amazing for your features. Using my professional MU artist is mandatory and although you will have final say, I will not allow you to go over the makeup with your own when she is through. Wondering why I am being a hard ass on this? Well, simply put photography MU looks vary greatly from everyday MU and my artists know my style and what works best for me… here’s a great little link that explains it a bit better:  Boudoir Makeup Service- A Must!

While you’re being beautified I will be organzing your outfits so you are ready to go… and then, exhale, we begin. Don’t worry you’ll be just fine and after being pampered and maybe a glass of wine, you’ll be having a blast in no time! Sessions are fun and goofy and I assure you, your nerves will melt away within minutes.

After your session you will be walking on air and feeling like a million bucks… as I am told by my clients. 😉 Unfortunately for some of you this will also be the time you need to hide the evidence and wash that MU off, although I say to tell that man of yours that you had a makeover at Sephora and their eyes will instantly glaze over – they’re guys, they won’t care. LOL. Besides then you can rock it the rest of the night!

So now comes the REAL hard part… waiting while I edit. This can take up to two weeks, at which time we will schedule your reveal, admire how amazing you look and choose the images for your order. If you purchase an album, expect a few more days for me to design it and privately post your album for you approval. Albums can take 2-6 weeks from your approval and order date depending on which album you are ordering(different companies have different turn around times) and the time of year(fall is the busiest and labs are inundated with orders so please keep that in mind when booking a session with a “need by” date).

Once your complete order arrives I will contact you for one more meeting so you can finally have the goodies in hand! Please note that I deliver orders in full and do not break them up as items arrive back from the labs. However we can make special arrangements if we need to have something special and the album delivery will pass your “need by” date. But we will go over your needs and I will do my best to accommodate special requests.

Other things I would like you to know…

Yes, I can shoot on location, just ask for details.

No, I do not supplies lingerie, although I do keep a few basic items in the studio for use.

Yes, you can bring props for some fun shots! Even a bike can be sexy. 😉

Boudoir Coterie photography studio

Yes, get your nails done, keep them neutral and pretty and you can never go wrong with a French Manicure.

NO! DO NOT TAN! The camera picks up an orange tint on overly tanned and spray tanned skin. You may not see it with the naked eye but the camera certainly does and it’s a photoshop nightmare. So trust me, your skin will look beautiful and creamy as is!

I think that’s about it, however I do have more Q&A on my Q&A page.

I hope this helps ease the mind of some of you on the fence about booking and if nothing else, was a fun view into the Coterie experience!

Ready for a complimentary consult? Contact me: 408.460.1855, bcoterie@sbcglobal.net or click Contact.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Just One Sexy Outfit : San Jose Bay Area Photography Studio

If you could only bring one item to your shoot, what would it be? If you’re not sure, may I suggest one of these sweet and sexy little numbers? We don’t care if  you call them Teddy’s, Rompers or body suits, we call them hot and fabulous!

Here are a few different styles of great one pieces. With so many styles and varieties there is sure to be something for everyone. I’m lovin’ on the creamy coffee belted number but am also drawn to anything sheer. So what is your favorite, or do you have one not show that you love and want to share? Feel free to add a link to YOUR favorite one piece in the comments.

In the mean time, check these saucy items out and think beyond the bra and panties box, maybe a romper is the way to go for your sexy boudoir session. 😉

Adorable One Piece- Boudoir
Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Boudoir Coterie App | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir & Glamour Photography

Today I am introducing something pretty darn cool for all my clients, fans, someday clients or anyone who simply wants to look at beautiful pictures… and receive a few perks while doing so!

Drumm roll please…

It’s a Boudoir Coterie smartphone APP!

That’s right my friends, all you have to do is open this app on your smart phone, follow the little directions for loading it up(so access is always at your fingertips) and you are all set.

A Coterie app, you wonder. But why? Well, because it’s cool AND besides including updates and Boudoir Coterie specials- there is an awesome one on there right now, it will be ever changing with deals from fantastic, local businesses. Yup, that’s right, you will receive app only discounts and specials(so check back often) to some great San Jose, Campbell and Bay Area businesses. All you have to do is use the promo code provided or show the special on your phone at check out. Now how stinking cool is that!?

Wanna know what else is cool? You can share it with your friends and family so they too can bask in the coolness of having Boudoir Coterie at their fingertips! Haha!

Please note that this can be viewed on a computer, which is what will happen if you click this link while sitting at one, but it is designed for a smart phone. You can type the link, open it on your phone, email it to yourself, do whatever you need to join in the fun!

Okay, without further adieu…


If you are a local business and would like to add a special to this app or if you know of a local business who might be interested, please contact me directly bcoterie@sbcglobal.net

I would love some feedback on this so please let me know what you all think!

Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer