Casual Can Be Sexy | San Jose Boudoir Portrait Photographer

Work what you’ve got!

I hear a lot of “but I have nothing to wear” from clients and potential clients but I assure you, you have more than you realize. Boudoir does not have to be about slinky lingerie. It’s about feeling beautiful inside and out. You definitely don’t have to spend a fortune on new outfits for a boudoir session! I tell all my clients to raid their closest for some great finds. You can really glam up simple pieces to make them hot and sexy. Accessories and the right shoes(or no shoes and long socks– smokin’!) can pull a look together. Grey is a fantastic color and looks nice on all skin tones. Pair an oversize tee with some heals and cute panties and he will never look at that top the same again. *wink, wink*

I recently had a client tell me that her hubby wears the shirt she was photographed in so much more now… we can all imagine why. *snicker* So don’t be afraid to mix and match what you already have. It will make your special someone weak in the knees remembering your gorgeous images, every time you wear that favorite shirt!

Sexy Casual Boudoir

Wardrobe consultations come complimentary with every session booked! So don’t fret, we will help you look amazing and choose all the perfect pieces for your session!

Let’s get started… 408.460.1855 or

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

The Beauty We See | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir & Beauty Photographer

I saw something yesterday that I thought was pretty dang powerful. When I wrote my “About” page over a year ago, I mentioned perceived beauty and how I see beauty in many things.

What I am saying is that my job is to photograph you in a way that pulls out the beauty that I see in you, that others see in you.

I know it sounds silly, maybe even creepy :p but when I see and meet people my mind often goes straight to how I would photograph them and what features I would bring out. I have known for a while that we really are our own worst critics, we’ve all heard that before. What I didn’t realize was how warped our perception really is in how we see ourselves. I instantly felt the need to share this video. I hear so many excuses as to why women do not want to be photographed. Many use the “There is no way I would have my pictures taken in lingerie” excuse, but when I tell them they don’t have to, that they can have a gorgeous session with their clothes still on they freeze up. “It’s a lot of money”…  but aren’t you worth it? Self doubt? I just wish that every woman would invest a little more in self belief. With that being said, I too fell into this category and finally got in front of the camera… you’ll be seeing that very soon. (I am so excited!) It was  fantastic to see myself and to wipe away some of my silly beliefs on how I looked. I will talk more about that too, but for now here’s the Dove video.

Watch it and think about it.

I’ve shown beauty to many women and I want to reach many more! 🙂 Like Miss N who just wrote me saying:

I always feel so awkward in pictures where I’m not smiling with all of my teeth – but somehow you managed to get just the right smile out of me. Great job!

Every woman wants to look and feel beautiful, it doesn’t take much. I promise. You are beautiful.

So tell me in the comments(top right up there) what did you feel when you watched this?(I cried) How do you think you would do at describing yourself and most importantly, name something about yourself that you love both on the inside and the outside.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Call or email today for a complimentary portrait consultation.

408.460.1855 |

Beauty by Boudoir Coterie | San Jose Bay Area Beauty and Glamour Photography

I have mentioned in the past that I offer Beauty sessions for those women who would like some gorgeous photos but want to keep their clothes on. These sessions are just as fun as boudoir, they are pampering and make you feel like a super model! Beauty by Boudoir Coterie is a personalized session, designed to meet your needs and are done at our San Jose studio. I recently did a trade shoot with a photographer friend, Paula and we did some Beauty shots during her session. They are gorgeous so I decided to make a magazine folio with them to show everyone just a hint of what a beauty session can be. Next week I will be shooting a couple gorgeous ladies as full on Beauty sessions with cute outfits and gowns–  I can’t wait!

I figured the best way to let you all know what I mean by Beauty sessions is to show you examples. So here is that little folio sample(and a gift with purchase in the back). 😉

Would you like gorgeous images of yourself? Maybe yourself and a friend, sister, mother, daughter? From now until May 30th, book a double beauty session with a friend or relative for only $100 more(a $100 savings). Mention this folio and you will BOTH receive the special gift! Don’t wait any longer, come in and let us make you look and feel magnificent!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Learn How To Create A Gorgeous Smokey Eye | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photography

San Jose Bay Area boudoir sexy pictures.

If you have been wanting to learn how to create a gorgeous smokey eye that can go from day to night then this is the perfect class for you! I often hear my clients rave about their eye makeup and comment on how they would love to learn this look so we have teamed up with the fantastic pros from Motives to teach us how to create a smoldering smokey eye. We’ll learn how to create a day and night look, have hands on instructions AND the class fee includes a fantastic smokey eye palette that includes two lip glosses, yours to keep! This is a hands on class so you will be creating the look on yourself!These ladies will have fabulous makeup tips too, so if you have any questions we can discuss them also.

There will also be light refreshments, door prizes and lots of laughs!

You must RSVP by April 18th because kits must be ordered per attendee. Your payment is your official RSVP… oh and you will have the option of purchasing the makeup brush set and various other items to create this look before or after class, but you may bring your own also.

Come and join the fun, RSVP HERE: Smokey Eye Makeup Class

Are there events or classes that you would like to see happen at the Coterie Studio? We try and plan at least one Girls Night Out a month so if there is something you would like to see, please let us know!
Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

How To Choose A Boudoir Photographer | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photography

The three MOST IMPORTANT factors in choosing a boudoir photographer… in the order that I believe is most important.

Step 1. Like the photographer. Yup, that’s right, you first priority should be your comfort level and the vibe you get from the photographer. No matter how awesome their work might be, if you don’t feel comfortable around them, then it’s not going to make for an amazing experience and it will show in the resulting images. Meet them, chat with them, make sure it’s someone you are willing to prance around in your skivvies with. 😉 Feeling relaxed, confident(a good photographer can bring this out of you when you are nervous) and happy will make for the best images and most enjoyed experience.

Step 2. Love their work. If you don’t love their style, then don’t invest in them. Make sure you see lots of image samples and that it is in fact their work. **Just a side not that sadly there has been an increase in deal site boudoir offers that have been known to use stolen images or images provided by the deal site, NOT the actual work of the photographer. So meet them and make sure they can show you samples of their work. Choose a photographer whose style you want reflected in your images… don’t choose a pinup photographer if you want soft, natural light images and vice versa. If you want artistic nudes, find a photographer who shoots artistic nudes. Make sure what you want in the end is what that photographer can provide. Make sense?

Step 3. Investment. The old saying “You get what you pay for” is around for a reason. I understand we all have a budget and must stick within it but if you find a photographer whom you really want to work with and you love their style, then see what can be done. Maybe they offer payment plans? When you find something you REALLY want, take your parents advice, don’t settle for less and save up for it!  There are some things worth the bargain and some things that are not. Cheap and boudoir should never be uttered in the same sentence. Believe me, you don’t want to look “cheap” in your final images. It’s definitely worth paying more for an amazing experience and fantastic images than to pay less and be left feeling blah about the whole thing.

Boudoir sessions shouldn’t be done willy nilly and neither should you choose a photographer without taking some time to decide what you really want out of the whole thing. You should feel relaxed and excited. It’s all about YOU and you should be feeling like a million bucks when all is said and done, not like you have just been herded through a process.

With all that said, I know I am not for everyone. I encourage prospective clients to shop around, take their time before making a final decision. If all three pieces fit what you are looking for(sometimes the last one is stretched a little because the first two are so important) then jump in with both feet. You won’t regret it. In fact you may want this “once in a lifetime experience” to happen again… and you wouldn’t be the first. 😉

Because every post needs a pretty picture, here is a before and after of my gorgeous friend, Miss K. Yup, you too can look this good. So go on… follow step one and give me a call. Ha!

sexy pretty portraits boudoir coterie

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer or 408.460.1855