The three MOST IMPORTANT factors in choosing a boudoir photographer… in the order that I believe is most important.
Step 1. Like the photographer. Yup, that’s right, you first priority should be your comfort level and the vibe you get from the photographer. No matter how awesome their work might be, if you don’t feel comfortable around them, then it’s not going to make for an amazing experience and it will show in the resulting images. Meet them, chat with them, make sure it’s someone you are willing to prance around in your skivvies with. 😉 Feeling relaxed, confident(a good photographer can bring this out of you when you are nervous) and happy will make for the best images and most enjoyed experience.
Step 2. Love their work. If you don’t love their style, then don’t invest in them. Make sure you see lots of image samples and that it is in fact their work. **Just a side not that sadly there has been an increase in deal site boudoir offers that have been known to use stolen images or images provided by the deal site, NOT the actual work of the photographer. So meet them and make sure they can show you samples of their work. Choose a photographer whose style you want reflected in your images… don’t choose a pinup photographer if you want soft, natural light images and vice versa. If you want artistic nudes, find a photographer who shoots artistic nudes. Make sure what you want in the end is what that photographer can provide. Make sense?
Step 3. Investment. The old saying “You get what you pay for” is around for a reason. I understand we all have a budget and must stick within it but if you find a photographer whom you really want to work with and you love their style, then see what can be done. Maybe they offer payment plans? When you find something you REALLY want, take your parents advice, don’t settle for less and save up for it! There are some things worth the bargain and some things that are not. Cheap and boudoir should never be uttered in the same sentence. Believe me, you don’t want to look “cheap” in your final images. It’s definitely worth paying more for an amazing experience and fantastic images than to pay less and be left feeling blah about the whole thing.
Boudoir sessions shouldn’t be done willy nilly and neither should you choose a photographer without taking some time to decide what you really want out of the whole thing. You should feel relaxed and excited. It’s all about YOU and you should be feeling like a million bucks when all is said and done, not like you have just been herded through a process.
With all that said, I know I am not for everyone. I encourage prospective clients to shop around, take their time before making a final decision. If all three pieces fit what you are looking for(sometimes the last one is stretched a little because the first two are so important) then jump in with both feet. You won’t regret it. In fact you may want this “once in a lifetime experience” to happen again… and you wouldn’t be the first. 😉
Because every post needs a pretty picture, here is a before and after of my gorgeous friend, Miss K. Yup, you too can look this good. So go on… follow step one and give me a call. Ha! or 408.460.1855