Fashion Friday | Campbell Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

When planning your boudoir session, think outside the box a little bit! What can you bring that adds a bit of fun? A kimono is a great addition. Think about it; a beautiful bra and panty set with a beautiful patterned, short, kimono robe to go over, maybe draping off of one shoulder?! I know you can picture it!

Kickin' Kimono


There are so many different kimono options out there. From ones that are more plain if that’s your style, to patterned with fringe even. It’s all about finding what your style is, and what you are comfortable with. A kimono can even be paired with a chemise, or a teddy.
Think about how beautiful a white kimono would be with your wedding veil! Maybe paired with a pair of panties that say Bride?
You kimono doesn’t have to be short; if you are more comfortable with a long robe, then by all means choose that! Just nothing fuzzy that you would wear around your house ladies 😉
What would your style be? What would you wear underneath? Whatever it may be, don’t forget your high heels and accessories ladies! Call us today to book your session.


Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Caption: I finished the #hummingbird #mask for tomorrow’s #fantasy shoot. I’m pretty exited about shooting something for myself. I’ll be working with the fabulous @nikkinbeauty so I know Miss A will look fabulous! #eek, so excited! #boudoircoterie #forfun #icantwait #letsdothis #pleasemaketherainstop #stillettobootsandmuddontmix #feathers #photographer #campbellca
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Fashion Friday | Los Gatos Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

I know we’ve talked about it before, and it may not feel like it today with the rain, but Spring is right around the corner. Spring is a great time of year to wear layers. Some days might still be cool enough that you’ll need a light jacket, and a denim jacket is a great layering piece.

Jean jackets can be worn over almost any type outfit (no red carpet event ladies); think maxi dresses, maxi skirts,  short dresses and skirts, and even jeans.

It’s really easy to pair your denim jacket with a maxi dress or skirt and look great.

Maxi skirt and denim jacket


denim jacket & long skirt


A short dress can also look very cute paired with a jean jacket
Denim Jacket


Denim Jacket 1319


It can be a little harder to pull off, but you can even wear a denim jacket with jeans. Using a black, or very dark blue jacket with a dark denim bottom is a good way to combine denim.
Wardrobe Basics: Spring Jacket


And while it can be a little more difficult, if you find the right shades you can wear a blue denim jacket with your blue jeans.
Denim/denim & a tunic


Do you have a denim jacket in your wardrobe? What’s your favorite way to wear it?



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Caption: I received a beautiful email from this lovely lady this morning, sharing a bit about what her session has meant to her.One of the biggest misconceptions about boudoir photography is that it’s “just sexy pictures”. It goes way beyond this and is something only someone who has experiemced it with a photographer who knows and loves what they are doing, can understand. 💕💋💌 #boudoir #boudoircoterie #bestboudoir #boudoirphotographer #morethanjustaprettypicture #ownit #believeinyourself #youcandoit #sexyisastateofmind #blackandwhite #laughter #beauty #bestjobever #youarebeautiful
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The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Caption: What happens in the #studio, doesn’t always stay in the studio. *wink, wink* You were fabulous today Miss L!

Hair and #makeup
By the always fabulous @nikkinbeauty

#sexyisastateofmind #boudoir #boudoircoterie #embraceyourcurves #red #campbell #downtowncampbell #portraitstudio #women #ownit
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Fashion Friday Bridal Boudoir| Mountain View Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

Bridal season is rapidly approaching, and everyone knows that the bride to be give her upcoming spouse a gift the night before the wedding. Come on ladies, what can be better than a bridal boudoir session?!!

Think outside the box! It’s so fun to personalize your session, while also doing a bridal inspired lingerie set.

Why not do something sexy with something he likes?

Campbell Ca San Jose Bay Area sexy photos boudoir

Or maybe pull a few items from his closet…

Boudoir Coterie portrait studio downtown campbell

=[Maybe something a little dark and sultry?

photo studio in downtown campbell sfo

Don’t forget a beautiful pop of color.

Boudoir Coterie Best Boudoir for brides in Bay Area

Or your veil 😉

Boudoir Coterie Best Boudoir for brides in Bay Area

Boudoir Coterie Best Boudoir for brides in Bay Area

And certainly don’t forget to show us your amazing engagement ring

Boudoir Coterie Best Boudoir for brides in Bay Area

A boudoir session really is the perfect pre wedding gift. Call us today and make your own amazing images!



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

Fashion Friday | Campbell Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

Spring is coming, I can feel the air trying to get warmer, and I love it! I despise being cold. I love wearing flip flops and strappy sandals; tank tops and skirts that flow. Cute crop pants with just the right accessories. Ah, warm weather!

Today I’m inspired by some casual spring outfits. I love the feel of these as I am more of a casual wardrobe type person, rather than wearing something fancy. I love how certain outfits look on other people, but then wonder about myself “It looks like I’m dressed up and I’m just picking my kid up from school” so jeans it is lol.

Untitled #15902


I do have to say, I love this top! The color is gorgeous and the added detail of the ribbon is such a smart idea to add some pizzaz. Paired with jeans it’s really a nice dressed up look while still being casual.
This next look is right up my alley! In fact, I think I’m going to look for something like this to add to my wardrobe.
Untitled #108


I love this top! Such a beautiful spring sweater and the accessories really make the outfit. Don’t forget to accessorize ladies!
Spring Denim


The last look for today is a gorgeous, trendy but still casual look. The color of the jacket is perfect for spring, and I love the addition of the white top. And of course a nice pair of jeans can say casual but dressed up, especially with heels.
Spring Chic


What are your favorite casual spring outfits ladies? Are you inspired by anything posted today?



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!