The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Caption: Honestly, there’s a joy when your branding products arrive that I can’t quite explain. It kind of makes your business feel real, like you’re not working your ass off for nothing. It’s #mynameinlights. Haha

#branding #business #boudoircoterie #itsreal #boudoir #photographer #downtowncampbell #sanjosebayarea #doingwhatilove
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Fashion Friday | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

Sandal weather is upon us ladies (ok, maybe not looking out the window today, but it’s here!) and today I want to touch on a different kind of sandal, espadrilles.

These sandals are so versatile, and come in many different styles. There are wedges, open toe, gladiator, and even lace ups. Espadrilles can look great with any outfit.

Bright Floral


I love this look with the dress, and of course the jean jacket! Tying the color of the sandals into the necklace really helps pull a colored sandal off well.
A lace up style can look great with a simple sheath dress.
Lace Up Espadrilles


A wedge looks great with these jeans, and I love how they pull the color of the sandals into the accessories to add some color with this neutral top.
Franco Sarto Espadrille Wedge Sandal


Espadrilles can be found at many stores. I did a quick search and saw them at Nordstrom, Target, Zappos, and even Amazon. Do you have a pair in your closet? Do you have a favorite style of them? What’s your favorite outfit to wear them with?


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