Fashion Friday | Santa Clara San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

It’s the little details that make or break your whole look. Piecing different items together is a great way to achieve a specific look. A great winter piece is a poncho. Yesterday during my errands (looking for items for my dear friends new studio!) I ran across an adorable grey cable knit poncho with accent buttons. It’s lovely! Which leads me to my blog post for today.

A poncho looks great over jeans, dress pants or a skirt. Just look.

I love this look. I’m a wear jeans every day type of person and adding a poncho (along with the right shoes! Don’t forget your footwear!) can help to elevate your jean look.

Poncho & Flats

Boots are a great footwear choice, especially if you’re wearing jeans. The flats above look great too!

Plaid Poncho


If you’re a legging type person, you can easily wear a poncho and pull it off.
Poncho Sweater and Leggings (Outfit Only!)


Wearing a skirt with a poncho looks great too.
Plaid Poncho & Over the Knee Boots


This is an accessory that you can pull off in the summer too.



I could go on and on showing you different photos but I hope you get the idea of how you can wear a poncho in different ways. I’m really loving this accessory ladies! Do you have a poncho, or two, that you wear? What’s your favorite way to wear it?


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