What to Wear Wednesday | Mountain View Los Altos Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

What is better than soft, cozy pajamas? Soft, cozy pajamas that you can also bring and wear at your boudoir photo shoot!

Now, I’m not talking about some long pants and long sleeved ratty shirts, even though they be your most comfortable pair of pj’s. Two piece pajamas can be comfortable and can be sexy for your photo shoot.

Look at this amazing pajama set. I’m seriously considering adding this to my closet. It looks so comfortable and I love the detail in the neckline.

Soma In Bloom Penny Lane Cami Shorts Pajama Set


Here’s another set from the same company, Soma Intimates.
Soma In Bloom Idlewild Cotton Cami/Shorts Pajama Set


Aren’t those both great?! So comfy looking yet would look great at your photo shoot with Danea.
I love the ruffles on the top of this one.
Three Graces London Francis and Ariel pyjama set


The eyelash lace that this set is trimmed in haps elevate it to a more sophisticated look, even though it’s still pj’s.
Women's Topshop Eyelash Lace Pajama Set


The layered shorts and the flow top of this outfit would be so comfortable to sleep in, and sexy for your photo shoot.
Flora Nikrooz 2-Piece Camisole Sleep Set


Now of course you don’t have to go with something like I posted, choose something that is more your and your style! That’s probably one of the most important things when choosing items for your photo shoot; if you’re not comfortable in it you are going to think of that every time you see your photos. Who wants that?!! If something like this is more your style, go for it! Danea will still help you look and feel amazing.


I hope I’ve helped you consider some ideas a bit out of the box for your photo shoot. There’s nothing that says you have to purchase anything new, or bring lingerie (even though most women do). Choose what your comfortable in!


Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Caption: I know I haven’t posted many #beautiful women lately. It’s not because I haven’t been shooting but because I have been shooting so much, I lost track of social media. I promise, you’ll be seeing a lot more over the next few weeks as we get caught up… and by “we”… I hired an office assistant. #woot!

You’ll also be seeing more of this gorgeous lady, shown here with her #husbands #ibanez. This is one sexy woman… with a pretty sexy #guitar I might add! 💋 💖

URL: http://ift.tt/2tUAqQ2
Source URL: http://ift.tt/2tF4rIj

The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Caption: Checking out the #downtowncampbell scene with my new man. Story about the handsome Drogo to come.

#mynewlove #beardiesofinstagram #beardie #beardeddragon #coffeeshop #boudoircoterie #love #instaawesome #healreadyhasfans #andmyheart #smitten #reptilesofinstagram
URL: http://ift.tt/2ukpmxb
Source URL: http://ift.tt/2uISiBV

What to Wear Wednesday | San Jose Santa Clara Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

Lace dresses have been trending lately, and I love showing you what’s in style currently. I love that there are many different shapes and styles of lace dresses out there, so you can definitely find something that suits you.

I love that you can find a beautiful bold colored lace dress to wear.

Lace dress


And I love that you can find a long sleeve style.


This two tone dress is amazing!
Party Dress


If you prefer color over neutrals but don’t was something super bright, check out this gorgeous green lace dress.
Lovely Lace Dresses


But if you do prefer something bright, check out this pink dress.
Pink Lace Dress


Maybe you prefer just a hint of lace instead of a full lace dress, don’t worry, there’s a dress for you too.

I love that this dress is a bit longer than most, and that it’s lined then sheer at the bottom. This dress would be a great choice for a spring or summer date night.



What’s your style of lace dress? Do you prefer something a bit fancy, or more casual? Bright colored or neutral?


Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Caption: Had my hair done by the amazing Margaret if @studiomsalonsanjose!

I actually feel like I have #pinterest worthy hair! LOL. The colors and tones are amazing from #rosegold to beautiful links and #purple. I think I’m #inlove with my #hair! Haha

#studiomsalon #boudoircoterie #style #pinkhairdontcare #lovingit #instahair #confidenceissexy #badassboss #bosslady #ownit
URL: http://ift.tt/2tyfo9r
Source URL: http://ift.tt/2u1OB90

What to Wear Wednesday | Sunnyvale Mountain View Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

Piggy backing on a post from a few weeks ago about how a little detail can really make an outfit, today I’m going to feature another detail.

Today’s detailed piece of clothing is detailed jeans. So simple but it really changes the look and feel of an outfit. What’s nice about purchasing your jeans with the rips or distressed look already there is that they are placed in strategic areas.

Ripped jeans can look sloppy, but if you pair them correctly you can look amazing.

Pair them with a casual v-neck top and some flat sandals for an easy going everyday look. To this I would add a light necklace, maybe an under shirt, and some bangles.

what do guys even talk about


Another way to pair your ripped jeans is to wear them with that new off the shoulder top you purchased after last weeks blog (right?!). I have to say I am not a fan of showing your bra but for some reason I think it works with this top.
a new twist on devotionals in d


It doesn’t take much of a ripped look in your jeans, sometimes a little goes a long way. And I am in love with this top.


But if you are feeling that maybe a little rip in the knee isn’t enough, feel free to find a pair of ripped jeans that suit your taste and style. Maybe these are more up your alley. Pairing them with the heels in this outfit helps bring this into a nicer look.
Untitled #685


Who says your ripped denim has to be the typical blue? It doesn’t.
Coral & Black


What do you prefer? A few rips or tons? Blue denim or colored denim? How do you like to pair your ripped denim?


Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

What to Wear Wednesday | Mountain View Los Altos Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

Sometimes it’s the simple things that can add some flair to your outfit or even change your mood. Something such as, hmm I don’t know, an off the shoulder top or dress for instance.

An off the shoulder blouse can add that little something extra to your look or that spark to your day. This type of blouse can be worn with a variety of bottoms.

Try pairing with complimentary colored shorts for a fantastic summer look.



Feel free to dress up a luxurious off the shoulder top with an equally amazing skirt for an upscale event or party.


Of course it’s so easy to pair with jeans, which would be my style 😉
I love the color of this blouse and pairing it with the wedges is such a great idea.
comment riverdale theories! or pm me!


A bright colored top looks great with a dark wash denim.
tag in d yo yo yo


If an off the shoulder blouse isn’t your top choice but you like the idea, what about an off the shoulder dress?!
Off-Shoulder Dress


I have to admit that I am in love with this dress, there’s something about the pattern that I just love.
Spring Trend: Off-Shoulder Dresses


And of course the always popular black option. Do wear something with a bit of color to jazz it up. A fun shoes, bright necklace, or a wrist full of bracelets.


What do you prefer ladies, an off the shoulder blouse or dress?



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!