It takes a lot of them to get in front of the camera for a Boudoir session. No matter how many times I have told my clients that there was no reason to be nervous, it was hard to take my own advice.
I am most comfortable behind the camera creating images that make others look and feel gorgeous.
Last month I turned 39. Yeah, I said it… so start planning my big 40 you’ve got lots of time and I want a PAR-TAY… but I digress… I wanted to celebrate with some images so I asked a photographer friend if she wanted to do a swap, on the condition that I get to edit– hey, I am an admitted control freak but she agreed to these terms. Ha! She is not a boudoir photographer and let me just say, that despite her doing a pretty good job, it was extremely hard to guide myself into poses and expressions from in front of the camera. I will also admit that I almost backed out. Shhhh. Tell no one! Yup, I was nervous BUT just like my other advice, the words “Your nerves will melt away within minutes” stood true, and IT WAS FUN!
I learned a few things too… like my ass isn’t quite as big as I thought, my boobs aren’t quite as small as I thought and, I’m kinda cute. Yup, all the same insecurities I hear from every other woman that I thought I didn’t believe about myself came to the surface and wouldn’t ya know it, it’s not as bad as I thought. Now since I am being very honest, there was an even bigger hesitation on my part to doing a boudoir session– my Arthritis and physical deformities. I’ll admit it, when it comes to shooting boudoir, I am very particular about a few things… feminine hands and pointed toes being the two biggies(I am sure all my past clients are nodding their heads right now). Both of these things are impossible for me to accomplish. I have messed up feet and cannot point my toes and my hands are pretty dang crippled… do you know how hard it is to show clients “ballet hands” when most of my fingers and both wrists are fused, fingers jutting out in all directions like a unique gang sign with a member of one? It’s pretty damn funny, really. But guess what, it’s who I am and it didn’t bother me even the slightest as I looked through the images.
Okay, enough chit chat, I am sure ya’ll are curious so let’s see some images before stating my conclusion…

Now I shall admit one final thing to you all… despite having fun with my friend Paula(and thanks again!) I have decided, without a doubt, to save my pennies and do a shoot with a boudoir pro. I want to relax, be guided, and have it done in a pampering way. I also really want some beauty shots, something in a big frilly gown and flowers in my hair. Sigh. This could become addicting!
Okay, so seriously, NO MORE EXCUSES! If I can do this, than so can you! It’s so awesome to have gorgeous images of yourself. If money is an issue… I do payment plans. Yup, it’s time for you to look and feel great too and I want to be the one to get you there. I mean seriously, if I can do it…

Are you convinced yet? What will it take to get you in my studio? 😉 or 408.460.1855