I saw something yesterday that I thought was pretty dang powerful. When I wrote my “About” page over a year ago, I mentioned perceived beauty and how I see beauty in many things.
What I am saying is that my job is to photograph you in a way that pulls out the beauty that I see in you, that others see in you.
I know it sounds silly, maybe even creepy :p but when I see and meet people my mind often goes straight to how I would photograph them and what features I would bring out. I have known for a while that we really are our own worst critics, we’ve all heard that before. What I didn’t realize was how warped our perception really is in how we see ourselves. I instantly felt the need to share this video. I hear so many excuses as to why women do not want to be photographed. Many use the “There is no way I would have my pictures taken in lingerie” excuse, but when I tell them they don’t have to, that they can have a gorgeous session with their clothes still on they freeze up. “It’s a lot of money”… but aren’t you worth it? Self doubt? I just wish that every woman would invest a little more in self belief. With that being said, I too fell into this category and finally got in front of the camera… you’ll be seeing that very soon. (I am so excited!) It was fantastic to see myself and to wipe away some of my silly beliefs on how I looked. I will talk more about that too, but for now here’s the Dove video.
Watch it and think about it.
I’ve shown beauty to many women and I want to reach many more! 🙂 Like Miss N who just wrote me saying:
I always feel so awkward in pictures where I’m not smiling with all of my teeth – but somehow you managed to get just the right smile out of me. Great job!
Every woman wants to look and feel beautiful, it doesn’t take much. I promise. You are beautiful.
So tell me in the comments(top right up there) what did you feel when you watched this?(I cried) How do you think you would do at describing yourself and most importantly, name something about yourself that you love both on the inside and the outside.
Call or email today for a complimentary portrait consultation.
408.460.1855 | bcoterie@sbcglobal.net