Studio Launch Party| San Jose Boudoir Photographer

It’s that time!

San Jose Boudoir Photography

This Friday, Dec 2nd we will be hosting our studio launch party & open house! Everyone is welcome to come on by. Enjoy some treats, see the digs, meet some of my posse and discover what a session is really like. We’ll have drawings for some great giveaways, booking specials and even a live demo on how a session goes down– thanks to a lovely and brave friend who is willing to model for me! (So excited with this part) Even the wonderful Melanie from Dutchess Intimates Boutique will be there to show off some of her latest lingerie favorites. 🙂

The party starts at 6pm, the session demo will be at 7:30 and all drawings will be at 9pm. You do not have to be present to win(but you do have to be present to enter).

We hope to see you there- bring a friend!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Blah! | San Jose Boudoir Photographer

So upset right now, people!

Things have been amazingly busy, hence the lack of posts here, but after this week I would finally have some time to breathe. I have been working with some amazing and beautiful clients and for that I am so thankful! However this morning I awoke to discover that my personal FB page, and fan pages linked to this account have been dissabled. Poof… just like that 5.5 years of memories, photos and friends, GONE. Why? Not really sure except that one of my sneak peek images may have been considered porn? Um, I don’t show any private parts at all in my  posted images, nor are my images overly sexual in nature. Sensual, yes. Pornographic, heck no! However, the last image I posted the girl was clearly topless, but with nothing showing… you look amazing Miss M!

San Jose Boudoir Photography

Losing my fan page is not such a big deal, I have this site and blog, a way to communicate with my clients and those of you who are interested. But losing my personal page is very, very hard to deal with and I certainly hope that Facebook get’s their act together and allows me to put it back up. I have reconnected with so many old friends, and ALL of our family members are out of state and in Canada. *sniff* I mean seriously, this image made them disable a whole freakin account!? Really Facebook? The worst part is that someone most likely reported this. If you were on my friend list, why would you report me? Not a very friendly thing to do. This image was not posted on my personal account however I did share it in a private group of boudoir photographers, maybe someone there reported me? Why join a boudoir photog group if this image upsets you? I am at a total loss!

Or maybe it was because I sent out an event invite to a bunch of local friends to come check out the new studio on Dec 2nd? Why not just say no thanks instead of having my account deleted?

If they do not reinstate my account then I will not be starting over with facebook. It’s saddens me but it is not worth my time. To delete an account without warning  is so not cool, especially over something like this.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

P.S. If you are a friend of mine and read this, can you please share this on FB so other friends will see what’s going on and know why I just suddenly disappeared. Sigh. Thanks.

It’s That Time Of Year! | San Jose Boudoir Photographer

The Holidays Are Coming

Have you had time to start planning your holiday gift giving? Not sure what to get that special someone? I have the perfect holiday gift that will bring smiles and err… plenty of holiday joy! *wink, wink*

Introducing the Sexy Snowflake Package.

boudoir images San Jose Bay Area Photographer

This is a fast 30 minute session to celebrate the season. I provide the Santa Hat and theme bedding, you provide yourself and any additional props. Would you rather be a snow bunny? Want some sexy shots in your favorite over sized sweater, panties and fur boots? Or maybe you have a hockey fan on your hands? Whether you want a holiday theme or something sexy to celebrate the season, if we can fit it into the 30 minute time frame, we can do it! This will make the prefect holiday present that’s a little bit naughty and a WHOLE lot of nice!

You’ll have just enough time for one quick outfit change or  1outfit & 1 implied nude (like shown here).

About the Sexy Snowflake:

Package $299

30 minute session.
5-7 fully edited images to choose from.
1 5×7 Image Folio. Includes one cover image and two inside metal images.
1 Metal Ornament.

Session Date Availability:

Saturday Dec 3rd & Sunday Dec 4th

Last Chance Sessions

I have mentioned this many times but want to remind you all once more that if you were thinking about giving an album this holiday season, then album orders need to be completed and sent to the lab by Nov 18th. I have only two remaining dates available before then:

– Thursdays, 9:30am Nov 10th
– Saturday, 10am Nov 12th.

Please let me know if either of these dates work so we can get you booked in and start planning the perfect session for you.

P.S. Full sessions are an awesome way to really customize your shoot!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

♫ It’s Gettin’ Hot In Here… ♫♪ | San Jose Couples Boudoir Photography

How hot would your couples session get?

I’m going to be straight with you all. This session freakin’ rocked! I couldn’t be happier with the outcome of my first couples shoot and I get giddy each time I look through the full set of images. I would like to take full credit for these amazing shots, but, uh, look at these gorgeous people! Hot damn, they made my job easy peasy… However, as much as I want to show them off(and I have total permission to), I just can’t shake that “What if my mom knew what I was up to?” feeling, and she TOTALLY knows! LOL. It’s like I feel sorta voyeuristic, even though I guided the session and took the images. They are hot, they are sexy and they are intimate. I must share them so people will know what to expect with a couples shoot, right? There are so many possibilities and I need to spread that knowledge to those who may be wondering if it’s the right session for them. So if you blush easy, you may want to divert your eyes, or at least pretend to cover them while secretly peeking through the cracks of your fingers. Shhhhh, I won’t tell anyone if you don’t. 😉

Boudoir Coterie Sexy Boudoir Photography

Boudoir coterie, boudoir photographer

Ok, let’s cool it down a bit…

Boudoir Coterie Couples Boudoir Session

Much better. Haha. Now, how cute is this shot!? The tie was her idea and I LOVE it!

Sexy Boudoir By Boudopir Coterie Photography

Now for those of you thinking “This was nothing.” They get hotter…. much hotter. I’m baby stepping these pictures so I don’t melt anyone’s computers with one big reveal. *Snicker*

Happy Thursday everyone!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

The Sexy Side Of Glamour | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Last month I talked about wanting to bring glamour back. After many conversations with women who said they would love to do a shoot that would make them feel gorgeous and sexy but they just weren’t comfortable with the idea of being photographed in their skivvies. Well, last week I photographed the beautiful Miss A who wanted just that. Granted she did bring a pretty little chemise that she slipped into later in the shoot(see previous post)… as I have said before, I have the natural gift of making women want to take their clothes off. 😉 Good thing I use my power for good, and not for evil. Bwahahaha.

Today I want to share some of the images from her shoot. They are fun, playful, gorgeous and… SEXY! It just goes to show that sexy is an emotion, not just a look, and you can rock sexy no matter what you have on. As the session progressed, she starts to tease a little, but notice that she really isn’t showing much skin. I love that these images show a beautiful woman in a sexy and classy way. I want to thank the wonderful Miss A for allowing me to share her fabulous images with you. You were fantastic and I had so much fun photographing you!

P.S. There are many more images to come in later posts.

Boudoir Coterie San Jose bay Area Boudoir Photography

Boudoir Coterie, Boudoir Photographer, San Jose Bay Area

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

She said… | San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Sometimes it’s good to give a little push.

She said she wanted to feel beautiful and sexy. She said she wanted to keep her clothes on. She said she didn’t know if she really wanted “boudoir” photos. She said “yes” to showing a little skin. She brought this hot little number. I took advantage… I can’t wait to hear what she says now.

Boudoir Coterie San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer


Couples Boudoir | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Marathon Update

I just had a Marathon client reschedule for a full session. This means I have a marathon spot available and I still have a $50 session credit up for grabs and it will go to the next person to book a session. With all the other booking goodies this month, what are you waiting for? Contact me asap:

P.S. This will be the LAST Marathon shoot this year… um yeah, I’ll be stopping marathon sessions all together in the new year also. So now is the time to hit this one up AND be ready for your sexy holiday gift giving!

Talk About Steamy!

Have you ever considered a couples shoot? Maybe you should…

Last Saturday we broke in the new San Jose studio space with a hot and sexy couple session. They were so much fun and very playful. In fact we probably could have shot all night! Yes, we really were having that much fun, and the ideas just kept coming. I’m excited to show some sneak peeks but cannot share all the steamy images until this amazing duo gets a chance to view their session. However, here’s a little teaser on how the session started…

Boudoir Coterie Sexy Boudoir Photographer in San Jose

and it quickly went to this…

Boudoir Coterie sexy boudoir

There was so much heat between these two my lens was fogging up. 😉

Watch for more gorgeous images from this session to come. I can’t wait to show them off!

(Head over to the Boudoir Coterie Facebook Fan page for a few more peeks)

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer