A few weeks ago I came across a contest being held by Photographic Backdrop.com. You could enter up to three boudoir images for your chance to be one of three winners of a Retro backdrop. How could I pass that up? Well, I couldn’t and quite frankly you don’t get very far in life without trying new things and taking chances. Besides, what did I have to lose? I have to say that my day was made Tuesday morning when I saw that one of my images was chosen as one of the three winners!
These were my entries:
The gorgeous Melanie, looking all sexy with her pink lollipop, won. However, I was honored to hear that the this fabulous booty shot was also a contender! Check out the other winning sexy images from the contest HERE.
I want to send a big THANK YOU! to Photographic Backdrop.com and Ryan Ambrust, the guest judge of this contest and an amazing pin-up photographer! Shhh, but I think the pin-up look to this shot may have played a role in winning by appealing to his senses. 😉
Here’s the backdrop I chose… cannot wait to get it in the studio!!
Antique Black
Tonight I’ll be at the studio with the hubs putting together all we can before tomorrows couples shoot. I am so excited to work with this couple! The best part- I get to share the images so watch for some steamy pictures next week.
Have a fabulous weekend everyone!!