Boudoir Photography San Jose Bay area
Sunday I went shopping with a girlfriend to purchase a new birthday outfit for Saturday’s hot date with the hubby. I purchased a dress- something I don’t wear much of, mostly due to having a hard time finding pretty and sexy *flat* shoes. At the store we were shopping at I discovered Kitten Heal shoes- thanks Devon for giving them a name for me. 😉 I have rarely come across this style shoe while on my never ending hunt and sadly the one pair I liked did not have my size. Thus began my online search. I came upon and yes I managed to find lots of possible low heal options. However, like always, my not so secret longing to wear actual heals lead me to a line called Naughty Monkey- who could resit a name like that? Not I! Wow, do they have some fun and sexy shoes.
As I’ve said before, sexy heals are a must have for boudoir shoots. This doesn’t mean you have to spend a fortune on a one time wear. You can borrow from a friend or scour some online deals if heals are just not your thing. I am hoping to eventually start a collection of shoe options to offer clients but until then you can all gaze longingly, like I do, at some super hot heals here on my blog.
I will always be a sucker for animal prints and check out the heal design on that gray shoe- pure sparkly awesomeness! Many of these styles come in multiple colors and patterns so go check THESE out- you naughty little monkey you. 😉
P.S. How many of you started singing “Walk this way,talk this waaay… ♪♫ ♪” by Areosmith and Run DMC after reading that title? If not are ya now? Ha.