What is stopping you?
It’s only Wednesday and I have had a roller coaster week. I won’t go into details but Monday I was blindsided with bad news from a business stand point, but ultimately nothing that truly affects me or hinders my business right now. It did however, make me realize that I am a fighter. It made me think about what I do and do not want when it comes to business. It made me think long and hard about my goals. It made me realize that MY happiness is important. It made me realize that I can do what I put my mind to and good things will come.
Last night I was invited to a networking meeting with some amazing women entrepreneurs– I had a wonderful time and made some great connections. The support given here helped assure me that I am on the right path. It helped pick me up from the previous days blow. It made me realize there will always be someone to support me, even if they are, at the time, a stranger.
This morning I had a phone meeting with another amazing woman half way across the country. She contacted me out of the blue with a proposal and we are starting to plan another business related adventure(I cannot give details yet, sorry). It’s an aspect of my life that I have wanted to branch out on and had no idea how, when she reached out to me last week, well, the pieces may be falling together. I’m excited about what is to come and how this all ties into what I currently do for women. It made me realize that there is always more. It made me realize that you really do have to take chances, no matter how scary. It made me realize that there is so much more in me to give.
I met another photographer for lunch. She belongs to a local photography group that I recently joined, not only was she great company but it was great to bounce ideas off one another. When I shared the issue with this group, they were thoughtful. They helped walk me through options. They helped me sort out my feelings and what steps I needed to take. They made me realize the importance of a good community, even an online one. It made me realize that I need to get out more and make new friends.
We all have ideas and dreams. We all, get caught up in the daily grind and put our happiness on the back burner. Sure we may be fine, but is there something we are holding onto, maybe not even truly aware of, that is holding us back? The last few days opened my eyes to something that was more than a nuisance, it was actually stifling my creativity and bringing me down even though in general, I am happy. It was an “Ah ha!” moment. It was stopping me from personal and business growth and I wasn’t even totally aware of the effect it was having on me. I know I can’t be the only one to experience this.
When is the last time you took a hard look at what is happening in your life and sorted through the things that make you truly happy and the things that are holding you back? When was the last time you took a chance on something new? When was the last time you started a new adventure, something you have wanted or have been meaning to do but haven’t? What is stopping you? Is it an excuse? The last few days have taught me that it is time. No one but you can take the reins and make it happen but there is likely someone or multiple people out there to help you and guide you. Don’t be afraid to take that chance. Don’t be afraid to reach out. It’s worth it. YOU, are worth it.

The hubs and I last month on Mammoth Mountain. He is my sounding board and support. I wouldn’t be where I am without him. xo

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