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First Shoot In The New Studio | Campbell Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

Our New Location


We’ve officially been shooting in the new Downtown Campbell studio for just over a month. There have been some big changes, like fresh glitter paint and new flooring since this shoot and we are very exciting about all the shooting possibilities in our new location! I no longer have a large blank shooting wall but we have stairs, a balcony and even a candy bar– which is a fabulous way to utilize the sexy “saloon” feel of the place.

This gorgeous lady came in for a 20 year anniversary shoot and hot damn did she rock it! Here’s a look at some of the images from her session which shows a variety of sets.

We started off with a Dodgers themed set. It’s always fun to incorporate something of his and sports is an easy and sexy way to do it!

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I love, love, LOVE a cozy sweater over a pretty lace bra!
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Our new low hanging chandelier makes for some gorgeous shots!
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On the balcony– and get a load of that giant chandelier! The natural light in here is gorgeous!
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Of course I love me some sheet! You look stunning Miss T!
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Watch for details on an open house coming soon so you can check it out for yourself! You will be blown away with the coolness of the space and what better time to book! 🙂

Thank you for allowing me to share, Miss T. You were so much fun to work with! xo


Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer




Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Caption: Beautiful day to be in the studio. I’m excited to finally meet today’s client and I already know she’s going to be a blast!

#boudoircoterie #boudoir #letsdothis #ownit #getyoursexyon #photoshoot #portraitstudio #sanjoseca #campbellca #bayareaboudoir
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Fashion Friday | Santa Clara Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

Let me tell you a little secret, I have an affinity for beautiful lingerie. I love browsing various sites seeing what is out there. I was so inspired by my browsing today, I had to share with you a few amazing pieces I found. These would be perfect for a night in, or a photo shoot with us ;), heck why not both?!!!



I wanted to show off some one piece items first. The two long gowns on the right are amazingly stunning! I can imagine them flowing with the fan blowing on you as we use for some shoots. The teddy and kimono are a gorgeous jewel tone that would compliment any skin tone. If a chemise is more of your style this silver with lace details is perfect. And when I saw the white with black lace short one piece I was really intrigued because I’ve never seen a piece of lingerie like that. Typically if you wanted that look you had to wear two pieces, so I like this because it’s a different option.
I love garter belts, or panties with built in garters. There is something to timeless and classic about these pieces. I like how the two black pieces have the garter straps attached to the panties. You’ll also notice how they are more of a high waister, more coverage panty as opposed to the itty bitty panties that are usually sold to go along with the garter. Buy what you like and feel comfortable in!


What’s your preference ladies? What inspires you from what I’ve shared today? I’m guessing there will be lots of new lingerie showing going on this weekend with it being Valentine’s Day 😉
Happy Valentine’s Day ladies! Call today to book your session and give your significant other some photos in that new lingerie that will have them thinking back on this Valentine’s Day for years to come.



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Caption: I’ve been a little #mia with all the studio work that has to be done. We had a hiccup with the floors last week and ended up #installinglaminate . I’ve spent the last two days #painting and will hopefully have it all done and back together tomorrow.

So what am I holding? #glitter! I added glitter to the gray paint and it looks so pretty! I’m so excited to get it all finished, so watch for more #studio images coming soon!

#boudoircoterie #boudoircoterie #photographer #campbellca #idliketobedonenow #sexynewstudio
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Fashion Friday | Sunnyvale Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

What do you all think of today’s lingerie? Do you like it? Think it’s too revealing? Wish there were other options? If so, you should try to find some vintage inspired lingerie. It has more of a modest look to it, but still conveys sexy and stylish. Now I’m not saying there is anything wrong with anything you currently own (I own some too!), but let’s face it, we are all different and our tastes run the spectrum.



Vintage panties tend to have a higher waistline, and come down further on your hips. I love this look! A long skirt with garter attachments is beautiful and can hide any leg areas you want covered.
One thing that is pretty consistent with vintage lingerie pieces is soft colors, and usually some lace overlay.
So what do you think ladies? Do you like the vintage feel of these pieces, or are you more of a traditional gal?



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Caption: We are now rocking #bigscreen reveals! I can’t tell you how amazing it is to sees your #gorgeous images in such a dynamic way! It makes me giddy!!! #youhavetoseeit #largeandincharge #boudoir #boudoircoterie #ownit #downtowncampbell #portraitstudio #likeakidwithanewtoy #confidenceissexy #bayareaboudoir
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Fashion Friday | Santa Cruz Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

It’s all in the details ladies, right?! You can’t  pull off a great party or event without the minor details. Even minor details to an outfit can move it from ok to WOW. It’s no different with lingerie. Beautiful lace or embroidery can really move a bra from ho hum to outstanding.

Attention to Detail


The shawl type lace of the black left bra, and the right bra are just stunning, and the matching panties complete the set. I love how the lace back detail mirrors the lace back on the panties in the far right set. Imagine a photo from the back in that delicate set. The last bra has this beautiful lace halter. I can picture it now, hair pulled up and hand on your collar bone; simply stunning!
If a bra and panty set has caught your eye, see if there is a matching garter. That’s another way to bring in minor details with your lingerie. A one piece outfit with strategically placed lace is a fantastic option too.
all in the details


Tell me ladies, do you have lingerie that has some beautiful details? What’s your favorite from what I’ve shared today?



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Caption: If you are not a member of our VIP closed group on FB, you should be! We have a contest annpouncement on Sunday. You can find the link pinned at the top of our Facebook fan page. 👠💃💋📷 Women only! No photographers. #nothingpersonal

#justusgirls #boudoircoterie #dowtowncampbell #sanjosebayarea #portraitstudio #ownit #confidenceissexy
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The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Caption: That bitter sweet feeling of packing up the old studio to move into the new one. This is where it all began 5 years ago. We put so much work into this space. We had to rebuild the walls and refinish the floor.

What is it they say… Onwards and upwards!
Thank you to all my fabulous clients. I’m excited for the change.

#boudoir #boudoircoterie #timeforachange #onwardandupward #portraitstudio #sanjoseca #downtowncampbell
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Fashion Friday | Santa Clara Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

I know I said it last week, but Valentine’s Day is coming up! Come on girls, this is supposed to be the most romantic day of the year. What better gift is there than some gorgeous, glamorous, sensual photos of you to your special loved one?

Picture this: you set up a date night somewhere nice. You come out of the bedroom ready to go wearing a new dress (outfit, whatever you are comfortable in) and give your present to be opened before. In this swanky album (or centerfold, prints, acrylic, it’s up to you!) the photos will start out with you wearing the exact outfit you are wearing. Slowly, the pictures will start to reveal some new undergarments that are sure to raise some eyebrows on your significant other. And of course you will be wearing said undergarments. Then it’s off to dinner! All night your partner will be thinking about if you are wearing the same items underneath, and probably many other things as well ; )

Burlesque inspirations for Valentines Day !


Danea does complimentary wardrobe consultations. What better chance to give the best Valentine’s gift ever! Call today to book your session and set up your wardrobe consultation.



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!