Let’s chat a bit about hair today, and some of the 2017 hot hair trends. There were about 10 that I could find people talking about regularly and today I’m going to highlight a few of my favorite ones.
First up: pastels! These gorgeous soft colors can really be done on hair natural hair color, although of course it’s going to be easier to do on a naturally lighter hair color vs. a darker color that needs to be bleached first.
I really love this trend and might try it for myself, although I am discouraged by the upkeep since I have naturally dark hair. I like though that this color trend can easily be done as highlights if you wish as opposed to dying your whole head.
The second hair trend to show today is Rose Gold hair. A friend recently did this color and it was quite pretty, although she didn’t think it really went well with her skin tone so that is something to keep in mind. But you may not know how you feel about it until you’ve actually tried it (that goes with any hair color!).
What a range of different beautiful shades! It really again does depends on what your natural hair color is. I am really loving the middle and lower right photos as I could probably pull those off from my dark hair.
Next is a color trend that I encourage to do only if you start out light or as a blonde. I’ve dyed my hair blonde before, and the upkeep and end results were difficult. Often I would end up an orangey blonde and that was not pretty lol. But this warm buttery blonde is something you can easily achieve starting off with light hair.
This trend has warm tones added to it so it’s not such a shock as our next 2017 hair trend.
Can we just talk about the one with the purple roots first? I love that one! Ok, this is an amazingly gorgeous color that I personally feel suits certain people. You have to have the attitude, for lack of better word, to pull this color off. What I appreciate is that I was able to find some styles for dark hair; the bottom left for example. I think that is a gorgeous way to add some of this platinum to your naturally dark hair.
Last, but certainly not least, let’s talk about the 2017 Pantone color of the year. Oh what, you don’t know what it is yet? It’s called Greenery.
A bit shocking, huh?! It’s a very pretty color, not one I would personally choose for my hair though. If you are thinking of this color I do encourage you to go based off of your hair length. If you have a shorter cut go forward with coloring the whole thing. If you have longer locks you may want to do something as in the left photo; only the bottom or maybe some strands of it. You don’t want to look like you’re getting ready for a costume party.
What do you like? Are you going to see your stylist soon for one of these hot 2017 hair trends?

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