Confessions of a Boudoir Photographer | San Jose Bay Area Photographer

Juicing healthy veggies san jose

Gah! Why does being “healthy” have to be so time consuming?

You know what makes me feel better than a coffee in the afternoon… and I mean immediately feel better not that high and low? Fresh juice: as in 2 carrots, one apple, a little bit of kale, cucumber and a handful of spinach.

Instant energy boost and in a good way. But hell if that isn’t messy and time consuming. Popping a k-cup in the coffee maker, a splash of Baily’s creamer(non-alcoholic… most days)and whip cream is so much easier and let’s face it, ummm tasty.

Damn you evil conveniences!

Alas, I know which makes me feel better, truly better, so let’s just hope I can fight the convenience voices in my head and stick with the change this time. Pretty sure juicing three times a year isn’t quite cutting it. Neither is throwing away veggies because I never got around to actually juice them. And did I mention the cringing at how much I spent on that space consuming, dust collector that should be used for making me fresh juice?

Three times a week. That is my new goal.

Let’s do this!

P.S. Yes, I actually like the taste of these juices. Hahaha

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