Sexy Sports Theme Boudoir | San Jose Boudoir Photography

With Major League Baseball Season fast approaching I only thought it fitting to share this session and dangit if it hasn’t been on my “To Share” list for 2 years now. Pathetic, yes I know. But what’s awesome is that this fabulous client is now my fabulous assistant. Hi Regina! Not the first, nor the last client to enjoy herself so much that they wanted to join the Coterie team. I guess that means I’m doing something right! 🙂

I often get gals wanting a few shots with that special someones favorite jersey, or maybe a football or some sort of sports memorabilia but this is the only full set I have done in all a teams glorious gear and it was a lot of fun! I wish I had some football shots to share as we have all been bombarded with football this past week and all the excitement that surrounded the playoffs and oh to have some Superbowl Boudoir. Sigh. Maybe someday. Hahaha

But for now, it’s baseball, so here you go folks and if your an Oakland A’s fan… even better!

Boudoir Coterie Oakland A's 2

I love that she brought the bat too! 🙂

Boudoir Coterie Oakland A's 1

P.S. If I remember correctly, I think this is her hubby’s favorite team, not hers. Oh the things we do for love. Hahaha.

So what is your favorite sport and who’s your favorite team?

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer