What Does “Hand Retouched” Mean?

San Jose Boudoir Photography

Every photographer has a style and a work flow, and every photographer is different in how they approach “retouching” images. I happen to know that not many people can view an out of camera proof and visualize the final print. Not only that, but when it comes to having our pictures taken, we are our own worst critics. Add any insecurities to the fact that you’re being photographed in your skivvies and you may not be thrilled with the outcome. I personally don’t want my clients to have the opportunity to feel any self doubt. Instead I want them to view their images for the first time with jaw dropping excitement! That is why I include all retouching with your session fee, no hidden charges or extra fees.

So how much retouching do I do? Only enough to make you look and feel fantastic and quite honestly just enough that isn’t obvious. By this I mean, I may do tiny nips and tucks, skin evening and softening, but mostly I inform clients that I take care of the things they wouldn’t be the wiser of in a final image but may notice right away had I not done it. I won’t remove a few dress sizes but I may do a slight reshaping if I feel it flatters your figure. For example some poses, while flattering certain body parts may make an unflattering line or slight bulge elsewhere. Just think of that annoying excess skin between your bra and armpit- no one wants to see that right!?

Here’s an example of a before and after, sure the differences may be more obvious side by side, but not so much when all you see is an after. Listed are a few steps I take, if necessary, with each image. I do have a few other style affects I do to final images but those I need to keep secret. 😉

Let’s face it boudoir images are part reality and part fantasy. My job is to make the real you look amazing and bring out that inner sexiness. Even the most “perfect” woman could use some dark circle removal at times! I hope that seeing some before and afters will help ease your mind and fears that those stretch marks or few extra pounds may be stopping you from having  a fantastic and liberating boudoir experience.

I promise, you will look and feel amazing!

Boudoir Coterie San Jose Boudoir Photographer

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  • Lena (P4) January 4, 2011   Reply →

    Hey Dinea – the site looks great! And the images are AWESOME! If I were not so far from you I would totally sign up for one of your sessions! Great job!

    • admin January 4, 2011   Reply →

      Thanks Lena! I really appreciate you taking the time to leave me some blogsite luv. 🙂

  • ramona January 16, 2011   Reply →

    Love the touch up! you worked some lovely magic there.

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