I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, a little bit of covered skin can be just as sexy, if not more, than bare nekkid. They may not all admit it, but men love a little teasing. A hint of skin, a peep of naughtiness and you can have them eating out of your hand. Other benefits to having a little skin covered up- it’s a great way to discretely hide areas that you might be a little self conscious about. Having a boudoir shoot does NOT mean you have to be naked or in lingerie only. Beautiful and sexy outfits can be found everywhere when you think out of the box.
I’ve decided to start “Sheer Sexy” posts. These will be outfit ideas from lingerie to a sports jersey. Items that will make you feel and look gorgeous for your Coterie session.
Today I’m showing off some cute sheer tops. Sheer clothing with a little bit of pattern can be amazingly sexy when going bare underneath. Of course I wouldn’t recomend the bare look if your running to the grocery store but I’m all for it if you’re in front of my camera. You may even have items like this in your closet. Pairing these tops with different foot wear can create wonderfully different looks. Sweet, flirty, classy, glam. High heals are a must for sexy boudoir shoots. Don’t wear heals or own anything photo worthy? Don’t want to spend a fortune on shoes you may only wear once(or twice if your man requests the live view of your gorgeous images). Well you’re in luck, I found these amazing websites that have an enormous selection of HOT shoes for very little money. These pewter knee boots are $16!! No more excuses. 😉
… no, not a client, I’m talking about this blog-site. Like a girl in need of the perfect accessory, so too is this website. The good news is, I have everything to pull the whole outfit together, I just haven’t had the time to empty all the shopping bags and remove the tags. How’s that for a girly analogy. 😉 I was informed that the previous site was not performing well for Explorer and Chrome users so I did everything I could to fix it and was still out of luck. I took that as a sign to finally revamp this site. Unfortunately this all comes at a time when I am super busy with shoots, editing and orders. However I couldn’t leave well enough alone and hated that my blog posts looked wonky. So for now at least everything is functioning fine, but this site is looking a wee bit… blah. No worries my friends within the next two weeks this gal should have a complete make over and I’m pretty excited about it too.
Must Have Shoes
Since it’s so beautiful here in Northern California today, I thought this Spring-like playful shoe was in order. It’s just so girly and fun. Gotta love Zappos! This beauty is called Pansy by Not Too Coy, and comes in three different colors. These make me long for summer dresses and manicured toes. ♥♥♥
I have one session date left for May… Next Saturday the 14th, so if you are wanting a fun and sexy shoot, grab this spot asap and you could have your gorgeous images in hand by the end of the month! Next available session dates are July.
Call me and we’ll plan the prefect boudoir shoot just for you!
Santa Clara Boudoir Photography
If I’m going to be honest, and why not really as it’s always enjoyable to poke a little fun at ones self, I may have made a fool out of myself during this session(although I’m pretty sure I do so during every session *snort*). You see there I was up on my step stool with this tall, beautiful blond in front of me and for a moment I was taken over by some dude from the seventies with bad shaggy hair, an unbuttoned plaid shirt, way too tight jeans and a shady looking mustache. Yes people, I looked at this girl in all my seventies cliché glory and said “Wow, you’ve got legs that go on for miles.” Thankfully I refrained from using the word “babe” anywhere in that statement, but as soon as I said it I started to laugh, because it does indee-dee-oh sound like a cheesy & pathetic pick up line. I was not however, trying to pick her up and was wholeheartedly blown away by the gorgeous gams on this gal!
So Miss H, thanks for having a sense of humor. Your shoot was so much fun and I know you’re going to love your images.
(The dork inside me says “Hubba Hubba” and bites my wrist in true Squiggy fashion. LOL)
Santa Clara Boudoir Photography
Another little peek at a gorgeous lady. Miss G was so sweet and had the most amazing smile. We giggled her entire shoot- I love that kind of playful energy. Then, about half way through the shoot she mentioned it was her birthday and this shoot was her birthday gift to herself. How AWESOME is that!? I think everyone woman should do a shoot for herself, it’s just a bonus if you have someone special to share it with. So Happy Birthday Miss G, you looked amazing and I can’t wait to show you your complete gallery.
Enjoy this little tease(one image) not Miss G. 😉
Santa Clara Boudoir Photographer
For those who may be viewing this site for the first time I want to express that due to their intimate nature, I NEVER show session images without signed permission from my clients. Some ladies are not comfortable with their images being posted online and I completely respect that, so if posted images were a concern of yours before booking, don’t let it be, sessions are completely confidential! This is also why I am always so grateful to all the ladies who do allow me to share their images, thank you all so much. FYI, I have THREE available full session spots left for May. At this point I will not be booking any June sessions due to pending travel dates. So if not this month you may have to wait until July. Please call or email for July availability. If you would like a May session put the petal to the metal ladies before they are gone. Ooooh, speaking of putting the petal to the metal, we had an amazing marathon and I am very excited to share a few peeks.
I have spent the last few months getting to know the gorgeous Dutchess from Dutchess Intimates Boutique in downtown Campbell. Not only has she been wonderful to work with, she’s just as beautiful inside as she is out. I was very excited when she first expressed interested in the Vintage Car Mini Marathon. Needless to say, it was a fantastic shoot and this girl really knows how to work it for the camera. Miss M was wanting a more pinup style session and I believe we achieved it. Thankfully my latest investment, my first studio light purchased(arrived the day before- talk about cutting it close) was on hand in case we ran out of available light and we did in fact, do just that. So we wheeled this bad boy out and I must admit, the results exceeded my expectations. Do you all remember that deodorant commercial “Never let them see you sweat” well I could have been the spokesman and was doing my best to keep cool while working under unfamiliar lighting conditions. Ha! All went smoothly and… *exhale*. So here’s a few of my favorites of the stunning Miss M and the amazing pink Studebaker courtesy of Miss Pinky.
Don’t forget ladies, if you would like a car shoot this beauty is available for full sessions also, or if you would like to be put on the waiting list for the next Vintage Car Mini Marathon then please contact me asap!
Have a wonderful day.