May Sessions and Vintage Cars

Santa Clara Boudoir Photographer

For those who may be viewing this site for the first time I want to express that due to their intimate nature, I NEVER show session images without signed permission from my clients. Some ladies are not comfortable with their images being posted online and I completely respect that, so if posted images were a concern of yours before booking, don’t let it be, sessions are completely confidential! This is also why I am always so grateful to all the ladies who do allow me to share their images, thank you all so much. FYI, I have THREE available full session spots left for May.  At this point I will not be booking any June sessions due to pending travel dates. So if not this month you may have to wait until July. Please call or email for July availability.  If you would like a May session put the petal to the metal ladies before they are gone. Ooooh, speaking of putting the petal to the metal, we had an amazing marathon and I am very excited to share a few peeks.

I have spent the last few months getting to know the gorgeous Dutchess from Dutchess Intimates Boutique in downtown Campbell. Not only has she been wonderful to work with, she’s just as beautiful inside as she is out. I was very excited when she first expressed interested in the Vintage Car Mini Marathon. Needless to say, it was a fantastic shoot and this girl really knows how to work it for the camera. Miss M was wanting a more pinup style session and I believe we achieved it. Thankfully my latest investment, my first studio light purchased(arrived the day before- talk about cutting it close) was on hand in case we ran out of available light and we did in fact, do just that. So we wheeled this bad boy out and I must admit, the results exceeded my expectations. Do you all remember that deodorant commercial “Never let them see you sweat” well I could have been the spokesman and was doing my best to keep cool while working under unfamiliar lighting conditions. Ha! All went smoothly and… *exhale*. So here’s a few of my favorites of the stunning Miss M and the amazing pink Studebaker courtesy of Miss Pinky.

Santa Clara Bay Area boudoir photography

Don’t forget ladies, if you would like a car shoot this beauty is available for full sessions also, or if you would like to be put on the waiting list for the next Vintage Car Mini Marathon then please contact me asap!

Have a wonderful day.

Boudoir Coterie San Jose Boudoir Photographer

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  • Emily Tishhouse May 3, 2011   Reply →

    These are beautiful Danea!

  • Melissa May 4, 2011   Reply →

    Love that car!!!! Great shots!

  • Ben May 4, 2011   Reply →

    Seriously, these ROCK! Beautiful woman, cool car… Who could ask for more? 😉

  • Erin Michelle May 4, 2011   Reply →

    Awesome shots and lighting!!

  • Dee May 5, 2011   Reply →

    Wow. She’s HOT! These are some amazing photos! I’m with your son when he said the one of her with the lollipop is his fav. Really great work!

  • Tammynize May 6, 2011   Reply →

    I’m just so in love with this car! These shots are awesome.

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