When I decided to launch my boudoir business I was torn on the idea of offering woman who don’t want images in their skivvies an alternative to the traditional lingerie/naked shots, but I wasn’t sure how to go about this. The only term I could find to describe this sort of photography was “Glamour” and let’s face it, who doesn’t think of cheesy mall studio or over use of of red satin, animal prints and directional light when they hear that? I for one cannot shake the visual of my own glamour shot with the HUGE hair, leopard wrap and earrings the size of tea cup saucers. You know, typical African safari garb that makes for a timeless photo. Can you smell the stench of sarcasm there? Ha! Doubt what I am saying? Here have a peak for yourself. I was 19 here. I can’t help but giggle. My mom looks great and considering the fight she had with the MUA’s blush brush, she emerged smiling and otherwise unscathed. Phewf.
I guess what I am trying to say is that I want to help bring glamour back but in a beautiful timeless manner. Gorgeous hair and makeup with classic & timeless shots. Whether you want to book a shoot for the September 17th girls night out, our upcoming marathon, a full session or even the Starlet package you do NOT have to be in your undies or naked(although I will likely encourage a little more sexiness out of each of you). You could be in your favorite dress, blouse, jeans, you name it. Think about Guess and their ads over the years. You can go back 20 years and besides the rise and fall of jean waste lines the style of the ads with that classic, sexy and romantic feel to them, have not changed. To just glance at the images you may be hard pressed to know what was taken today and what was taken 24 yrs ago. Often the models are fully clothed but show a bit of sass with a bra strap here, a garter there etc… Check out the Guess Fall Campaign, I love the retro feel but ultimately you have a beautiful woman who, for the most part is fully clothed and looks sexy all the while.
I want to offer my clients that glamorous fashion feel. Not ready to go bare- no problem, we can still make you feel like a supermodel for the day and you’ll have images you will be proud to hang on your wall 20, 30, 40 years from now. And unlike myself, you won’t be shaking your head at the fact that you were wearing a large fur piece of scrap material… errr I mean “headband” in your photos. *snort*
Watch for an upcoming fashion inspired glamour shoot!
 We still have session spots available for our Girls Night Out Party, so call now to schedule your super fun & sexy photo session.