Blah! | San Jose Boudoir Photographer

So upset right now, people!

Things have been amazingly busy, hence the lack of posts here, but after this week I would finally have some time to breathe. I have been working with some amazing and beautiful clients and for that I am so thankful! However this morning I awoke to discover that my personal FB page, and fan pages linked to this account have been dissabled. Poof… just like that 5.5 years of memories, photos and friends, GONE. Why? Not really sure except that one of my sneak peek images may have been considered porn? Um, I don’t show any private parts at all in my  posted images, nor are my images overly sexual in nature. Sensual, yes. Pornographic, heck no! However, the last image I posted the girl was clearly topless, but with nothing showing… you look amazing Miss M!

San Jose Boudoir Photography

Losing my fan page is not such a big deal, I have this site and blog, a way to communicate with my clients and those of you who are interested. But losing my personal page is very, very hard to deal with and I certainly hope that Facebook get’s their act together and allows me to put it back up. I have reconnected with so many old friends, and ALL of our family members are out of state and in Canada. *sniff* I mean seriously, this image made them disable a whole freakin account!? Really Facebook? The worst part is that someone most likely reported this. If you were on my friend list, why would you report me? Not a very friendly thing to do. This image was not posted on my personal account however I did share it in a private group of boudoir photographers, maybe someone there reported me? Why join a boudoir photog group if this image upsets you? I am at a total loss!

Or maybe it was because I sent out an event invite to a bunch of local friends to come check out the new studio on Dec 2nd? Why not just say no thanks instead of having my account deleted?

If they do not reinstate my account then I will not be starting over with facebook. It’s saddens me but it is not worth my time. To delete an account without warning  is so not cool, especially over something like this.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

P.S. If you are a friend of mine and read this, can you please share this on FB so other friends will see what’s going on and know why I just suddenly disappeared. Sigh. Thanks.

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  • Megan November 21, 2011   Reply →

    That’s terrible… But you’re not the first boudoir photographer that has had this happen. 🙁 The other 2 I know of were able to get their accounts (and all their stuff) reinstated. So don’t lose hope, contact FB and see if they will fix it.

    • admin November 21, 2011   Reply →

      Thanks Megan, I sure hope so. It’s just discouraging to lose all those contacts, especially since I honestly have no idea what I did wrong… maybe a warning for this image but to completely lose a personal account. It’s ridiculous!

  • KAren November 21, 2011   Reply →

    Oh Danea,
    That just sucks. I’m sorry it happened. So I guess that means that just one report on a single page can get it deleted? huh. I didn’t think that was the case. The shot isn’t anything but beautiful, I don’t get why anyone would think different.

  • Leah Aubrey November 21, 2011   Reply →

    Danea, I feel your pain! My account keeps getting banned for my boudoir images. In the past 2 weeks i have been banned 3 times and I am sure the next one equals my account being gone. I actually made a 2nd facebook profile and put that as another admin. As long as you have 2 admins on your business page, they will keep it up. So sorry this happened 🙁 It’s so unbelievable!

    • admin November 21, 2011   Reply →

      Was it you personal page banned Leah or your fan page? They deactivated my PERSONAL page and of course along with that goes my fan pages. Sigh. Did you have a hard time getting it back?

  • Tammy December 12, 2011   Reply →

    I really hate facebook. they need to take more time to investigate these claims. i’ve had friend been deleted for people flagging pictures of babies. what’s wrong with people.

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