Signature Coterie Girl- We Want YOU! | San Jose Boudoir Photography

I’m tingly with excitement!

Alright ladies now is your chance… and before you get all shy and bashful, just note that you don’t have to be a size two to rock the boudoir world. In my studio everyone is sexy and gorgeous, so take a deep breath and give it a shot(even if you’re not chosen you’ll get a sweet little gift just for being brave enough to try). 😉

Without further adieu…

Beautiful San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

So here’s a little more info and a recap of the details:

  • You MUST be at least 18 years of age.
  • There is no cash value for any prizes awarded.
  • You MUST be willing to sign a model release to use your images online, in print and in promotions.
  • You will NOT be asked to shoot nudes, it’s about your comfort level and we will NEVER cross that line.
  • You absolutely, positively need to be available for the test shoot on Jan 7th. No exceptions.
  • Past clients are more than welcome to enter, why the heck not, right!?
  • The three sessions will take place throughout the year and we will of course, work around your schedule. Please do  not enter if you are hesitant about this or know you will not be available to do three shoots during the 2012 calendar year.
  • Any referral credits you earn can go towards purchases you would like to make of images from your sessions or towards your own custom session at full price.
  • Voting will take place online. I am still looking for a blog poll option but it may happen using FB image “Likes”. I want something that restricts multiple votes from one person. 😉
  • You do not have to lose “that last 10-20lbs” to look fabulous… trust me, you look gorgeous just the way you are, right now!
  • We reserve the right to veto votes, and if need be, cancel the contest or void the chosen winner if circumstances change. But we don’t want to do anything negative so let’s keep this clean, fun and drama free ladies!
  • Feel free to share this with anyone you think might make the perfect Signature Coterie Girl… mother, daughter, sister, friend…
  • Send an email the includes one head shot and one full body shot, your name, and phone number and why you would make the perfect Coterie Girl to: FB entries will not be accepted.

*** The question about what type of images are needed for submitting has been brought up. The answer is any sort of image that let’s me see what you look like, I don’t care if you have makeup on or not, are standing with your ex and his pet turtle, or wearing clown shoes. I just need to see what you look like, just an idea. Why does it not matter if it’s an awesome shot of yourself? Because ladies, I am going to take your picture and create gorgeous shots for the voting process. seriously all I need to see is facial features and body type. Easy peasy!

 If you have any questions or comments please feel free to ask them here on this blog post comments section(found at the upper right of this post). I will respond here so that others who might have that same question can see the response also.

I am so excited about this and hope we receive lots of entries!

Good luck everyone!!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

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  • adrienne December 1, 2011   Reply →

    I love this! Such a fun idea. One question… When I submit my entry (cause we all know I will after you made me feel so sexy the first time) can I use your images or other professional images? Although YOURS are the BEST!

  • This is a great idea!!

  • Tammynize December 7, 2011   Reply →

    Such an awesome idea denea

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