Signature Coterie Girl Finalists | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

Area you ready to see the finalists?

Two weeks ago today I had the honor of meeting and photographing the three Signature Coterie Girl finalists. They were all excited, nervous and full of laughs. I enjoyed working with each lovely lady and reveled in their wonderful personalities and unique qualities. Seriously ladies, you were all amazing and really worked it for the camera!

I chose my ten favorite images of each girl to post, then realized that 30 images might just make a record length (and slightly overwhelming) blog post, so with the advice from a friend(thanks Bill) I narrowed it down to my top 5 images- not an easy feat! But don’t worry gals, you’ll get to see ALL your session images very soon.

This is how the judging will go down: I have a panel of amazing judges. They are boudoir photographers from around the world who’s work and business models I admire and respect. They will be helping me choose the 2012 Signature Coterie Girl!

I thought we’d also have a little Facebook fun. I will be posting each girls grouping of images on FB, the girl who receives the most likes on her image will receive a complimentary Signature Centerfold. So share your images ladies!!

Now, without further adieu, your 2012 Signature Coterie Girl finalists…

Miss S.

San Jose Sexy Boudoir Photos

Miss M.

San Jose Bay Area Sexy Boudoir Photos

Wow, are these ladies smokin’ hot or what!?

Thank you so much girls for such a fantastic experience!

I would also like to say a special thank you to my MUA Melissa Ruiz for doing such an amazing job on makeup for these gorgeous gals! รขโ„ขยฅ

We’ll be announcing the winner very soon, so be sure to check back. Enjoy the rest of you weekend everyone!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

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  • Andrea January 21, 2012   Reply →

    How exciting!
    Can’t wait to see the rest of the pictures ๐Ÿ™‚ Are the photographers voting on just these images or all 30?

    Great work as always Danea!

    • admin January 21, 2012   Reply →

      They are voting based on these 5 but I will show them more upon request. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Andrea January 21, 2012   Reply →

    Cool. Just curious since I know how you love a good booty shot and none of us have any! Lol. But I’m sure that’s so nothing is too risque on Facebook which I’m sure everyone appreciates ๐Ÿ˜‰

    • admin January 21, 2012   Reply →

      Oh yeah, I got some great booty shots!! lol. It really was just about fitting them all in. ๐Ÿ˜‰

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