Dress For Success | San Jose Boudoir Photographer

A “successful” shoot that is.

I like to remind my clients to bring something that isn’t lingerie so we can get some gorgeous shots that she will want to share and won’t blush about(well she might blush a little with the amount of FB “Likes” and comments on her newly uploaded profile picture. Haha). In my last Polyvore fashion inspiration post I may have mentioned that I am not a huge fan of red lingerie. I hope I didn’t get anyones panties in a bunch over that. *snicker* It’s just that in my personal opinion, red lingerie is something to be reserved for the bedroom… in most cases. It’s sexy and fun but rarely does it shout out classy. Sadly, red lingerie often shouts trashy- but not always, so don’t be sending me your hate mail  because I have shot some gorgeous gals in lovely red lingerie. Moving right along…

Today I will share two things… a pretty outfit inspiration that is very simple and it shall feature RED lingerie. Yup, you read that right. The trick with red’s is to make sure they match, so if you are wanting to accessorizes with red on red, take your pieces with you when you shop- this includes shoes!

So here is a simple wrap dress and accessory options that would work wonderfully for a few shots that could then be slipped off to reveal some sexy red pieces. How fun would it be to tease him with the undressing shots?! *wink*

The Red Hot Way To Undress

The Red Hot Way To Undress
Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

April Fools, Baby! | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir & Glamour Photographer

It’s my Birthday and I want to celebrate!

And what better way than with presents… for YOU!- and this aint no joke. 😉

Book any package and receive a gorgeous Elegance frame print.

Campbell & San Jose bay Area CA Boudoir Photographer

Now through April 14th I will be gifting a gorgeous Elegance framed print with each package booked. Session will take place after May 23(I am booked through mid May).

Mademoiselle= 5×7 Framed Print ($120)

Contessa= 8×12 Framed Print ($210)

Dutchess or Starlette= 16×24 Framed Print ($450)

For package details or a complimentary consult, email me at bcoterie@sbcglobal.net or give me a call 408.460.1855. I am always happy to give the details and answer any questions you might have about taking your clothes off in front of a stranger. *snort* Ok, now I am giggling because I probably just freaked a bunch of you out, but trust me… it’s really not that bad. Past clients, please feel free to chime in here. Hehehe.

Ok, so now for the dirt… I’ll be 38 years old. Yup, I said it. Online. Totally public. For all to see. Thirty Freakin’ Eight years old. Sigh.

San Jose bay Area Sexy Boudoir Portrait Photographer

Eh, I guess it’s not so bad. 😉

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

P.S. I really am an April Fools baby. It all makes sense now, doesn’t it? Hahaha.

Is Black Naughty or Nice? | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photography

If you haven’t already noticed, I have a thing for classic lingerie. I prefer it over hot pink, red, glitter and trendy pieces. Not that the other stuff doesn’t have a place in the bedroom, but for boudoir sessions I recomend more timeless pieces. Think Hollywood starlet’s from years gone by. My main argument for this is so you never look back at your images and think “what the heck was I wearing?” Nope, I want you to open your album 20 years from now and gush over your images as much as you did the first time you saw them. Today I’m having a little fun with black. Not only is it slimming and sexy, it can have some naughty undertones. I paired this set with some fun jewellery for a “tied up” sorta feel. A layered necklace and bracelet and a very flirty mask with a satin tie. Don’t forget that a simple prop can add some playfulness to your session. Hopefully this set will inspire some sexy black boudoir wardrobes.

Wrap Me In Black

Black get’s my vote for BOTH naughty  & nice… it’s whatever you want it to be.  😉 *Insert whip cracking sound here*

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Wardrobe Inspiration | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Ok, so yeah, I have been a little MIA the past few weeks. I had foot surgery and have been recouping, wrapping up current clients and getting some business ducks in a row. I am happy to say that this *time off* (Hahahahahahahahahahha, time off, that’s a good one. *Snort*) will soon come to an end. April is officially booked but I do have May sessions still available so for those of you still on the fence, give me a call and we can meet at my San Jose Studio for a complimentary consult. I don’t pressure anyone to book, consults are simply a way for you to get to know myself, my products and how a session with me goes down. 😉


In other news…

While procrastinating this morning… uh, I mean “researching” I came across a wonderful new time suck. Ummm yeah, I might be late to the game, but I just discovered Polyvore (Okay, I had heard of it but never actually explored it) and hot damn is it fun to put some outfit ideas together!

Just click the image or links below to see the individual items, but so you don’t get all crazy when you see the prices, just remember that these are guides for wardrobe inspiration. Sure, you could click the link to purchase or you could go find items of similar fashion that suits your budget. It’s totally up to you. Let them be your boudoir fashion muse…

Soft & Sassy

Soft & Sassy Boudoir
Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer