Creative Boudoir Imagery | San Jose Bay Area Glamour Photography

Creating An Art Piece

It’s not often that I really take the time to play with images and create something more than just a basic portrait. Now, I’m not saying that I take “basic” portraits. I take amazing portraits(if I do say so myself)haha. And I take the time to individually edit every image I show a client. Every image presented at a clients reveal has been retouched and edited in a way that I think looks best. However in recent months I have been longing to “play” with an image and make it more of an art piece. Over the past few years I have come to know and in some cases admire from afar, many talented photographers and I have been greatly inspired by the variety and individuality each portrays in their final images. At times I have tried different looks but have never been sure that I could pull it off. I definitely have my style but even that has grown and and morphed over the past couple years. I love seeing this change and I definitely love trying new things.

With all this said, I had a session with my Signature Coterie Girl, Andrea back in April where we did some wonderful bridal shots and I decided to have a little fun with one of those images. I wanted a soft romantic feel, so I played with textures and lighting. I am really happy with how this turned out, especially for a first attempt. πŸ˜‰

I would love to hear your thoughts so please leave a blog comment for me!

My apologies but I had to remove this image due to a tantrum by the subject. Some people really need to put their big girl panties on!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Saying “I Do” To Bridal Boudoir | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photography

Bridal Boudoir

It’s becoming one of the hottest grooms gifts and a very personal one at that. With wedding season upon us, now is the time to make it happen. A little piece of you, what more could he ask for? Imagine slipping him the album as you part ways the night before your nuptials. Or even better, have it delivered to him an hour or two before walking down the aisle and have your wedding photographer there to capture his reaction. No matter how you choose to gift your special man, any cold feet vibes he may have been having will quickly be out the door and he will be anxiously awaiting your arrival at the alter- tapping his toe and checking his watch. πŸ˜‰

Bridal boudoir is a wonderful way to capture some of those special details in a more intimate way. From your garter and veil to the delicate diamond earrings borrowed from your grandmother. Beautiful images of yourself for you both to cherish. You’ll love seeing how gorgeous you look in that sexy bustier that is hidden under your dress or those flirty little “Bride” panties you wore to your rehearsal dinner. There are so many ideas and images to capture that will complete your custom boudoir album.

My gorgeous Coterie Girl Andrea and I, had some fun shooting a bridal session recently. Flirting with her her veil and looking gorgeous in a white lace t-shirt, she made a stunning bride!

What you need to know…

Sessions, from the first consultation to the delivery of your album, can take 6-8 weeks. Yup, you read that right. So be sure to plan accordingly. The gift of digital files would be much faster and there is often the option for rush delivery but it will tack on some extra dollars to your purchase.

Although the images in this post are just bridal theme, make the most of your session and bring non bridal outfits also. We’ll plan the perfect wardrobe prior to your session day so you will be stress free and ready to go the day of your shoot.

As always I am just a phone call or email away if you have any questions about booking your bridal boudoir session. 408.460.1855 or I look forward to hearing from you and making the prefect sexy little grooms gift the most memorable gift you give him!

And yet again I apologize for having removed these images as I can longer have my business associated with the person in these shots. I will soon post better bridal shots, I promise! πŸ™‚

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Peek-A-Boo Purple Boudoir | San Jose Glamour & Boudior Photographer

It’s no secret that I am partial to a seductive sexy and love, love, love sheer garments to accent beautiful lingerie. There is definitely something to be said for seduction and having pretty and feminine sweaters or blouses being worn without undergarments or with just a hint of a pretty bra and pantie set showing through, leaves the viewer wanting more. Plus, by layering such pretty fabrics and garments with matching accessories we have so many options for a gorgeous image series as we tease the viewer with a shoulder peek and remove items as we change poses- awesome for building anticipation in an album set! πŸ˜‰

This post shows some gorgeous purple options. Adding a splash of color can add so much to a session especially if it is complimentary to your skin tone. The first set in this image is a lovely purple sheer sweater with a gorgeous neck line, worn only with a pretty lace pantie. To add some great texture it can be worn with a spicy stiletto like this hot black pair with feather accents and a chunky necklace that draws the eye to your neckline. The second set shows a purple bra and pantie worn under a sheer black blouse, again accented with a colorful pair of  heals and a beautiful hair flower. Heck, if purple is your color, you could easily wear both of these outfits for totally different looks but a very coordinated finish. Add a sexy black chemise or implied nude for a third outfit and you’re all set!

Peek-a-boo Boudoir
Need more wardrobe inspiration? Once your session is booked we’ll plan a wardrobe consultation(complimentary for all my clients) where we’ll look through what you have and hit some local lingerie stores if need be. Gail at Besos in Los Gatos is wonderful and she carries some gorgeous lines! With your outfits chosen and ready to go, you’ll be all set the day of your shoot and not worrying about what to piece together.
If you’re ready to start planning your perfect outfits, give me a call 408.460.1855 or email me at and we’ll get you booked in.
Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

The Beauty Of Boudoir | San Jose Boudoir & Glamour Photography

In recent months I have been putting a little more emphasis on the beauty factor during my shoots. By this I mean capturing those shots that my ladies can show off. These images are sexy, but not too revealing. Sometimes this is done while they are wearing lingerie, like this gorgeous shot of Miss M, who is wearing a slinky negligee that could easily be passed off for a pretty blouse or dress. It’s a beautiful image that could be shared with family and friends or displayed in her home.

San Jose Glamour and Portrait Photographer

The reason that I have been taking the time to include a few images of this style was due to the feedback from clients who have loved their images but wished they had something they could share without the worry of the images being too risqué for public viewing. Let’s face it, most of your boudoir images might be “for your eyes only” but as women, we ALL love the idea of having a gorgeous photo of ourselves to display with pride and why not make that happen while you are looking so dang good!? Our San Jose natural light studio is perfect for this type of portrait too, I swear it makes everyone’s skin look so radiant!

I love this next set, you look so stunning Miss M! (this was a last minute set, I provided the lace top and flower and I love the results!)

San Jose Bay Area Boudoir and glamour portraits

Now for those of you thinking “Yeah, but I want some really sexy shots?” Well, of course you do and don’t worry, we get lots of those too. I just wanted to show off the different varieties of images you’ll receive when you book a session with Boudoir Coterie. Besides, sometimes the sexiest images aren’t the most revealing, it’s about feeling gorgeous and when that happens,  the “sexy” soon follows. Here’s a full body view… Smokin’ Hot! πŸ˜‰

San Jose Bay Area Couture Glamour Photography Studio

Now go ahead and give me a call so we can discuss what style you would like the emphasis on. Every session is customized to my client so CONTACT me soon and we’ll start planning your dream shoot!

Special thanks to our lovely Signature Coterie Girl, Andrea Alarcon who did an amazing job with Miss M’s makeup for this shoot. She’s beautiful and talented! πŸ˜‰

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer