Pretty In Pink | San Jose Boudoir Photographer

It is always so much fun to have the opportunity to photograph a friend. A few weeks ago, I got to do just that, my second to last shoot in my old San Jose portrait studio. With so many life changes at her door and an amazing weight loss transformation(that secretly makes me want to get back to the gym so I can show her up… or borrow her clothes *snicker*) it was wonderful to be able to kick back with a fun and relaxing session. Plus, it’s always a bonus to help someone look and feel gorgeous, especially a friend. I have said it before and I’ll say it again, the best part of my job is how I leave clients(and friends) feeling after their shoot, when they see their images and of course, when they receive their gorgeous product!

The camera was eating Miss K up and she rocked this sweet, pink lace Victoria Secret number . So check them out for yourself. This set is sweet, flirty, and a little sexy, if I do say so myself. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Go on with yo bad self, Miss K! LOL.

San Jose Boudoir Coterie Boudoir and Glamour Photographer

P.S. Things get a bit steamer in her little black numbers… those images to come in the future. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Sexy With Class | Palo Alto Boudoir Photographer

After months of gazing longingly at beautiful lingerie online, I will openly admit that I am truly in love with Aubade. They have such a classy fine detailed style. And this isn’t the first time I have drooled over their amazing artistry we call lingerie, you can see a past post HERE. Gorgeous and elegant, sexy and sweet. I fell in love with this collection of black and rose elegance. It’s so stunning and the color detail is amazing. The down side is the price tag however European styles are often worth every penny due to their quality and beautiful detailing. So imagine my excitement when I discovered that Chamelle28, a local lingerie store in Palo Alto- seriously close enough for all my Boudoir Coterie clients in San Jose and everyone else in the Bay Area to get to(*hint) carries fine European lingerie, including Aubade. *Swoon*

So if you get a chance to swing by, do so and see for yourself just how amazing this lingerie is! *Note that store selection will vary and I don’t know if they have this particular set and no I am not affiliated with Chamelle28… but that would be cool. ๐Ÿ˜‰



Happy Friday Everyone… I’ll be relaxing a wee bit this weekend because I hired a contractor to do the drywalling in the studio and thus I won’t be spending the weekend in a panic about whether or not it will get done in time! hahaha.

Have a fabulous weekend and may you add a little sexiness in too… wait, I can help with that! Call me: 408.460.1855 or

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

She’s Got Legs | Santa Clara Boudoir Photographer

… and she DEFINITELY knows how to use them!

This session has been on my “to blog” list for way too long. So today is the day to show off this beautiful lady and her amazing legs and to also show that you don’t need fancy lingerie to look amazing. I have long said that you can easily rock what’s in your closet if you *think sexy*. This simple scoop neck top, sans bra, is smoking hot especially paired with plain black panties and amazing red shoes! It’s simple AND sexy. So go through your closet and see what you have, pair it up with some great shoes, legwarmers, cute panties or whatever might fit together and work it in front of the mirror to see how it looks. Give it a test run for that special someone if your not sure, then give me a call and we’ll capture your sexiness for both of you to enjoy for years to come. *Wink, wink. Nudge, nudge.*

Thanks for the laughs Miss M, you look amazing!

Boudoir Photography San Jose Bay Area


Want to be one of the first ladies to grace our new studio with your beauty? We still have some late August sessions available before jumping into Sept. As much as I hate to say this… Christmas is just around the corner and NOW is the time to start preparing if you are wanting to give a titillating little stocking stuffer this year. Sessions can take between 4-8 weeks from start to finish. Contact me today and we will start planning your perfect boudoir or beauty session.

408.460.1855 or

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Studio Space | San Jose Boudoir & Glamour Photographer

Okay, as promised we were finishing up the floor painting last night and I snapped a few more shots and actually remembered to bring the camera home!

Here is a basic floor progression…

Out of time constraints(read- laziness) I am not going to edit the spelling mistakes on the images below and reload the thing.

Boudoir Coterie sexy boudoir and glamour portrait photographer

Here’s a better shot of the texture… big windows+glaring light+point and shoot does not a great picture make. ๐Ÿ˜‰ The “milky” color on the boarder is the clear glitter glaze drying.

San Jose Bay Area boudoir and glamour photography

So here is what the current space looks like right now. All my *stuff* is in the middle of the floor. We still need to do some drywall, painting walls/ceiling and add floor base boards. Then comes hanging lights, my backdrop sliders and change room. But all that has to wait until the floors are complete and because we have to do the Urethane in stages, it will still be another couple weeks. ๐Ÿ™

San Jose Bay Area sexy boudoir and glamour photographer

So there you have it… more updates to come. Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

P.S. Anyone want to trade drywall and painting for a shoot and images on disk?ร‚ย  ๐Ÿ™‚

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Fashion Show! | Los Gatos Boudoir Photographer

I am excited to announce a fabulous Fashion Show that will be hosted at Besos Lingerie in Los Gatos later this month!

Not only will you see the sexy new Ellipse line from Columbia, enjoy food and wine, 15% off store wide, but I’ll have a table set up with some product samples AND I’ll be having a drawing special for everyone who books a package session the night of the fashion show or at the studio relaunch party next month… you could win a Kindle Fire loaded with images from your session!

This would make for an awesome ladies night our or bring that man of yours to help decide which sexy pieces he likes best. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Details below… share with your friends as this will be a fun event!

San Jose Boudoir and glamour photos

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Crazy Move: Campbell Boudoir Photographer

Okay, Okay… I am not MIA but things are a bit hectic and crazy around here. We have officially moved the studio to a larger unit down the hall. This past week has been INSANE! Not only did the current tenants renege on their offer to let us into the pretty much empty space early to start working on the floors, but we also went and got a dog last weekend. This past week has been spent scraping, prepping and painting concrete floors and juggling toddlers and a new puppy(who thankfully doesn’t act like a puppy and who has been so sweet and well behaved through the caos that has been the last week). Sadly we are still not finished the floor but will continue to finish it in sections…. then to do a floor and all the way up ONTO the ceiling paint job(throw in some drywall reconstruction into that mix) Oh and did I mention the past tenants were graffiti artists and tagged the space EVERYWHERE, but did attempt a coverup with this yucky beige paint. Sigh.

Anyhow, things are starting to look great and the floor is coming along quite nicely… unfortunately, in my exhaustion I left the point and shoot at the studio and therefor the studio progression images will have to wait for another day. I can, however, show you a sneak at some experimental floor art… and no, the floor is no longer white, that was just primer and base. ๐Ÿ˜‰

My awesome hubby working hard…

Boudoir and Glamour Portrait photographer

For those wondering what this is, it’s a gorgeous wall mural from Stickerbrand. My original intent was to use it as a stencil and do the texture painting over top and then peal it off. However, it looks so cool with the texture we put down that we’ve decided to leave it down and are crossing our fingers that all the coats of Urethane will keep this bad boy protected! More transformation shots to come…

Now, because you are probably all dying to know… *snicker*… this is our new pup, Osgrrr and he’s about 1 year old according to the vet- creative spelling was my hubby’s idea. ๐Ÿ˜‰ He appears to be a Rat Terrier/Chihuahua mix and is a deep chocolate brown with black patches, or black with brown patches(whichever) but in low light he’s just black. Ha! We got him at the San Martin Humane Society and he seems to be house and leashed trained. He also goes in his crate very well but we haven’t really used it much. We figured it would take weeks to find the prefect dog but this little guy, our last and hesitant option the day we went to visit the shelter since we didn’t actually want a dog so young, came bouncing up to all of us in the play yard and immediately wanted tummy rubs. The main seller- he wasn’t shy with the boys! รขโ„ขยฅ He has officially become my “bodyguard”- hubby quote, and has even started barking when he hears strange noises, however the barking seems to only occur when Jeff isn’t home, and I’m totally cool with that since it’s very infrequent. P.S. He’s very camera shy, especially with my big gun, but he’s much more perky than he appears in this sad and pathetic image. Hahaha

San Jose, Palo Alto Boudoir and Glamoir photographer

Now, because I can’t have a post without a gorgeous gal in it AND I just happened to shoot one last Thursday morning AND it was the last shoot in my previous studio… well here ya go…

Nice gams Miss D! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Sexy glamour portrait photography Palo Alto