Sophisticated and Sexy Boudoir Albums | San Jose Bay Area Boudor Photography

I am always on the hunt for top of the line products from amazing companies… Why? Because I always want the best for my clients, silly. 😉

I was recently introduced to The Boudoir Album and I instantly had a soft spot in my heart for this Canadian based gem of a company. Not only are their albums beautiful, their turn around time faster than most, customer service top notch, but I saw the potential to add my own touch. So now I am offering these semi hand made by me(I add the Swarovski Crystals myself, baby!) to my menu of products. These albums are silk laced wrapped in a leather box with an “Ice” cover and a gorgeous row of real Swarovski Crystals. It’s glam meets sexy and I swooned at the finished product! I am so excited and the feedback from this test run and guinea pig client was two thumbs up, or “I LOVE it!” or something just as approving- heck she may have even licked it, oh wait, that was me. Never mind. My point is, I so am excited! These 8×8 albums will be an upgrade option to packages or may be purchased a la carte. But enough rambling, take a look for yourself. (A product photographer I am not. LOL)

San Jose San Fransisco Bay Area Boudoir Photography


That is all.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

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One comment

  • Andrea September 25, 2012   Reply →

    I really like it! And the model looks gorgeous.

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