Why Yes, I DO Shoot Couples Boudoir! | San Jose Boudoir Photographer

I’ve been a little MIA, and I apologize. It’s been a busy season with lots of gorgeous ladies in the studio, my amazing husband working his butt off to finish up the last of the studio remodel and then we had to throw in the family being sick. Blah! The good news is I am back on track and finally got to shoot my second gorgeous couple last weekend. I cannot wait to dig in and edit these bad boys(although you can see a few more peaks on our Facebook Fan Page). But first I need to finish up a few more client edits. Here’s a little peek at the hotness to come… and steamy HOT it is!

Couples boudoir San Jose Bay area

In other news we have some fun events planned! Nov 8th is a Boudoir Coterie hosted Bliss Pleasure party at the studio in San Jose. This is an open invitation event but does require an rsvp! Please do NOT just show up as seats are limited. There are only 3-4 spots left so if you would like to join in the fun for this ladies only event then shoot me an email or check out the information here at the Bliss Pleasure Party Invite for all the details!

Bring it ladies!

We are hoping to do monthly GIRLS NIGHT OUT parties and would love to hear some ideas. What sort of Girls Night Out would you like to see happen?

December we will be having TWO awesome events- the Relaunch Party for guys and gals – lots of fun giveaways, a booking bonus, etc… and the Dec Girls Night out will be a Our Favorite Things night!! EEK! I am so exited about this. Again, watch for details or better yet, join our VIP Newsletter list to get all the goods right in your inbox and stay ahead of the game!

Happy Hump day, everyone!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

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  • Adrienne October 24, 2012   Reply →

    AND… I cannot wait for your parties! I may have to get a sitter for the relaunch and drag the hubby along!
    “Favorite Things” girls night is also sure to be a blast!!!

    • Danea October 24, 2012   Reply →

      And I have you to thank for that my dear, it was an awesome idea! I can’t wait!! 🙂

  • Andrea November 5, 2012   Reply →

    Love it! If only we all had such rockin’ bods!

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