Signature Coterie Girl Finalists 2013 | San Jose bay Area Boudoir Photography

This is it, our 2013 Signature Coterie Girl finalists!

On Jan 5th, I had each girl come to the studio for a test shoot. The purpose of this shoot was to give me a feel for each girl and how she responses to the camera, my sometimes very hard to follow directions, and get an overall idea of her personality and look. Each girl did an amazing job so I am now left with the very hard decision of narrowing it down to just ONE. Yikes, this won’t be easy! Thankfully I will have the help of some amazing boudoir photographers from around the USA and Canada to help me with my decision making. (go check them out)

Bri Anderson of

Christine Selleck Tremoulet of

Stacie Frazier of

Natalie Robbins Kita of

Alecia Hoyt of

Thank you ladies, I will def’ be putting you all to work on helping me decide on a winner! 🙂

We will also be doing a fun little Facebook “contest”. I will post each of the following collages on my fan page and everyone can “Like” the collage of the girl you think should receive a Signature Centerfold with her favorite images from her test shoot.

Here they are in random order:

Miss Kristina

Boudoir Coterie Sexy Photos

Miss Stacy

Boudoir Coterie Sexy photos san Jose

Miss LeAnne

Boudoir Coterie sexy photos san jose

Thanks again, ladies, you were all awesome!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

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  • Erin January 21, 2013   Reply →

    KRISTINA is the most classy sexy woman in the bunch!

  • Mel January 23, 2013   Reply →

    They are all so beautiful, but something about Kristina’s eyes make me keep going back to her photos, she is stunning!!

  • Denise January 24, 2013   Reply →

    They’re all gorgeous, but my favorite is LeAnne. She seems so comfortable in her skin.

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