Simple & Beautiful | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photography

In recent months I have started to fall more in love with sheet shots. Sheet shots are a set of images that focus on a women’s beauty. No frills or fuss, just her, a bed and my lens. I have been thankful that more and more clients are braving these shots. There is just something so beautiful about a relaxed woman in bed. These shots are sexy and playful and remind me of a romantic weekend getaway where you can lounge in bed on a Sunday morning. Sans kids, deadlines, work or any other distractions. Aaaaahhh, what I would give for a weekend away… but I digress.

Here is a gorgeous set of the lovely Miss M. There were more, of course, but these 3 black and whites are my very favorite from her session.

San Jose Boudoir Photography

Oh, and the other bonus for sheet sets… no need for expensive lingerie. 😉

Are you brave enough to rock a sheet set?

408.460.1855 or

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

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