Learn How To Create A Gorgeous Smokey Eye | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photography

San Jose Bay Area boudoir sexy pictures.

If you have been wanting to learn how to create a gorgeous smokey eye that can go from day to night then this is the perfect class for you! I often hear my clients rave about their eye makeup and comment on how they would love to learn this look so we have teamed up with the fantastic pros from Motives to teach us how to create a smoldering smokey eye. We’ll learn how to create a day and night look, have hands on instructions AND the class fee includes a fantastic smokey eye palette that includes two lip glosses, yours to keep! This is a hands on class so you will be creating the look on yourself!These ladies will have fabulous makeup tips too, so if you have any questions we can discuss them also.

There will also be light refreshments, door prizes and lots of laughs!

You must RSVP by April 18th because kits must be ordered per attendee. Your payment is your official RSVP… oh and you will have the option of purchasing the makeup brush set and various other items to create this look before or after class, but you may bring your own also.

Come and join the fun, RSVP HERE: Smokey Eye Makeup Class

Are there events or classes that you would like to see happen at the Coterie Studio? We try and plan at least one Girls Night Out a month so if there is something you would like to see, please let us know!
Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

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One comment

  • Kristina April 7, 2013   Reply →

    Can’t wait to learn how to reproduce the sexy smokey eye look! Then I’ll just have to go out more often so I can rock it!

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