The Many Benefits of Bridal Boudoir – Part 1|San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Boudoir Coterie Portrait photographyWhen I began planning my wedding, I never imagined having a bridal boudoir photo shoot would be part of those plans. As a matter of fact, it’s not something I even knew existed at the time.

Thanks to tons of gorgeous shots on Pinterest, and many deals on Groupon and Living Social, I quickly became aware and was definitely intrigued. Before I knew it, I was interviewing potential photographers and setting up my shoot.

My main goal with the photo-shoot was to have a unique and special gift for my husband-to-be. I had no idea there would be so many other benefits, but now that I know, I’d like to share them with you.

1. Stress-Free Pampering

No matter the scale of your wedding, planning can be extremely stressful. While many people will try to fool you into thinking that weddings are all about the bride, it’s often really about the bride trying to make sure everyone else is happy. Having a day that’s truly all about you is a great way to de-stress and recharge. From having your hair and makeup professionally done, to parading around in sexy lingerie (or whatever you choose to wear), you’ll get some much needed “me time.”

San Jose Bay Area sexy boudoir looks

2. Awesome Lingerie Wardrobe

While buying new stuff to wear is totally not required for a photo shoot, Boudoir Coterie includes a wardrobe consultation with every package. I chose to have mine at Besos lingerie shop in Los Gatos, and I definitely recommend doing the same if you can. Sure, shopping for skivvies with a stranger might seem slightly awkward at first, but when else do you get the opportunity to have a personal shopper for a few hours? Another great benefit is that you end up with some cute professionally-selected pieces to wear on your honeymoon too.

Boudoir Coterie Sexy pictures

3. Posing Practice

My husband-to-be and I had an engagement photo session with our wedding photographer roughly six months before our wedding. While this was great for getting comfortable with our photographer, it wasn’t until my boudoir shoot that I started feeling really comfortable in front of the camera. While any good wedding photographer will be able to help you pose and take photos from flattering angles, there’s so much else going on that day that it’s good to have some more extensive practice beforehand. Granted you probably won’t be arching your back and sticking out your booty while laying on a sheepskin rug on your wedding day (or maybe you will?), having extra camera confidence and practicing your best angles will be super beneficial in the long run. If you can take great photos while wearing next to nothing, imagine how you’ll look in your gorgeous white gown (or whatever else you choose to wear).

Those are just a few of the extra benefits of bridal boudoir. Please stay tuned for part two in the coming weeks — and if you’re thinking about having a bridal boudoir photo shoot in our San Jose studio, feel free to drop us a line!

408.460.1855 or


Subtly Sexy|San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Boudoir Coterie Portrait photographyNot too long ago, Danea posted about how liberating it can be to go topless, but that’s not necessarily for everyone. Are you contemplating a boudoir photo shoot but aren’t sure if you’re comfortable with baring it all — or even just baring it a little?

First thing’s first — know that you are beautiful no matter what you wear — whether it’s a snowsuit, or nothing but your own skin. The photographer’s job is to capture your beauty no matter what package it’s wrapped in.

With that being said, you should never do anything you’re not comfortable with. There is never any pressure to reveal more than you want to during a photo shoot. Yes, boudoir is sexy, but sexy isn’t just about what you’re wearing. It can be a pose or an expression. It can be a fully clothed curve or one hella hot shoe! (Did I say “hella?” I’m turning SO California).

So, if you’re thinking about a photo shoot and are looking for some modest, yet sexy, pieces. Here are a few ideas:

1. I love the look of a loose fitting casual top with boy shorts. I actually wore a similar outfit for my boudoir shoot and those turned out to be my favorite shots. Dolman-sleeve tops are my favorite!  As an added bonus, I still wear that same outfit around the house all the time because it’s so comfortable (and it happens to be my husband’s favorite)!

2. A sexy robe can be a great cover up. You can opt for something solid or a little more sheer depending on your comfort level. Just don’t forget to wear something cute underneath in case you decide to get a little more bold (I hear this can happen).

3. Shoes, shoes, shoes. Need I say more?

sexy black & white boudoir


Okay, so I actually love these modest looks so much that I have a few more ideas.

sexy neutral boidoir

4. Pajamas! There are so many options for cute PJ sets. I personally love short sets because they’re sexy and playful (and comfortable too!).

5. A soft flowy cardigan is also a great piece for a photo shoot. Pair it with a cute bra and you can control how much you want to show off. You can pin it closed with a pretty brooch or let a little bra peek out if you dare.

I know some of these pieces are pretty pricey, but they’re just meant to be ideas for inspiration. I love to shop clearance racks, and you might even already have some of these pieces in your closet! Vintage and secondhand shops are also great options to find pretty nighties, robes, shoes and cardigans too (just consider getting them professionally cleaned first).

Last but not least, even if you’re going for a more modest look, it doesn’t hurt to at least bring one more risque “outfit”– a bold and sexy bra and panty set would be perfect for that. You never know, sometimes that inner sex kitten comes out when you’re in front of the camera (but if it doesn’t, that’s okay too!).

Now that you’re armed with some fabulous outfit ideas, why not schedule a boudoir photo shoot today? If you’re in the San Francisco Bay Area give us a call and set up a photo shoot in our San Jose Studio today! or 408.460.1855


Embrace Your Curves | San Jose Bay Boudoir Photography

Okay, so I will admit that I may have a few curves that I wish were in a few different places BUT that doesn’t stop me from loving my body and it certainly didn’t stop me from getting in front of the camera myself a few months back. Sure it would be fantastic if my boobs were bigger than my belly but hey, it is what it is. LOL. My point, lovely ladies, is that I know curves and I definitely do not shy away from them in the studio and neither should you. It really truly does not matter what size you are, every woman deserves to feel beautiful and sexy at any size and a pampering Beauty or Boudoir session at Boudoir Coterie can do just that!

I hear all the time “I will book as soon as I loose 10 pounds.” or “I would love too but I feel too fat right now” Ummmm? Sexy is a state of mind and your weight shouldn’t stop you from feeling fantastic. I have photographed many a lady who felt they could stand to loose a few pounds, and you know what, they LOVED their images and they got to see what I see in them, a beautiful girl who’s “size” doesn’t mean a thing! One of my good friends Miss A(and HERE)still, after two years, raves about her images and I want you to feel that great too!

So here are a few tips to having a successful session at ANY size.

  1. Make sure it fits! I offer wardrobe consultations for all my clients. There is nothing worse than bring lingerie that doesn’t fit. You won’t feel good and quite frankly you won’t look so hot either. Ignore the size, it’s just a number(or letter) and buy what looks and feels right.
  2. Wear what you love. We all have outfits that make us feel fabulous so make sure to bring items that make you feel like a superstar. Anything can look sexy, so bring that dress or favorite blouse and own it!
  3. Purchase items that flatter your figure. It might not seem fair but bra’s come in different sizes and shapes for a reason so be sure to try on items that work with your body type. Not sure what the right shape is? The owners of both Besos, in Los Gatos–Gail and Curvy Girl, in Willow Glenn– Chrystal, know their stuff! Both lingerie stores carry a variety of items and between them and myself, we will have you looking smoking hot!!
  4. Stay away from flashy trends. There are many sexy and cute lingerie items that go fabulously in the bedroom but I will be frank– don’t photograph as well and can sometimes look cheap in your images. Florescent bright colors, glittery and apron cuts may be cute and trendy and get his motor going but after spending $$$ on your images, I don’t want you shaking your head and asking “What was I thinking?” 10 years down the road. Think Hollywood Starlet, clean lines, flattering cuts, blacks and rich & mono tones.
  5. Don’t be afraid to mask some areas. I get it, I do. You really don’t want a bare mid-drift, then don’t bare it! Maybe wear a sexy corset or bring a sheer shall. There are many ways to be sexy and beautiful and still diminish those areas that no matter what, you can’t help but feel a little insecure about. Believe me, images taken by a photographer who specializes in Boudoir such as myself, knows lots of posing magic. 😉
  6. Most of all relax, let go and have fun.

Here’s the beautiful Miss N rocking a gorgeous corset in true Hollywood fashion. She’s got amazing curves, chose fabulous outfits for her session and these images will remain timeless.

Way to work it Miss N!

San Jose Bay Area sexy Boudoir Portraits

So come on all you curvy babes, let’s show ’em what you’ve got! Or 408.460.1855

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Going Topless Can Be Liberating! | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photography

Okay, so I am not trying to start another ’60 burning bra revolution. Hahaha. I quite like bras and what they do for the look and shape of our girls. Plus they can be pretty, sexy and let’s not forget, very supportive. 😉 However I have noticed a frequency in the number of clients who are willing to toss the bra aside for some playful and sexy shots. I like to keep my topless shots classy but for the record I do on occasion and by request, photograph full frontal shots(I just never share those online). However most women prefer implied regardless of the images being playful and laughing or full on smoldering hot.

I consider this to be pretty hot. 😉

San Jose Bay Area Sexy Pictures

The gorgeous Miss J did both, okay so I admit I may have coaxed the laughing shots because I do love me some natural laughs, and from the feedback I get from their male counterparts, so do they! So here are a few mixed variety of shots. From playful, fun and down right sexy. Oh and that tushy shot in the middle, another favorite by clients, cute butt shots are a #1 request by the ladies. And that last shot, well that one is for the boys. Am I right!? LOL.

San Jose Bay Area classy sexy photos

Way to rock the sexy garter and stockings Miss J, you look amazing and it was a pleasure having you grace my studio.

So are you willing to drop that brassiere and get your sexy on? I promise you will actually have fun and love the results! Maybe we should meet first you know, get to know me before getting naked… hahaha. Just give me a call or email and I would be happy to show you around the studio which is located near downtown San Jose. or 408.460.1855

Happy Humpday everyone!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Tropical Turquoise | San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Boudoir Coterie Portrait photography

As a former Manhattanite whose wardrobe used to feature a whole lot of black, I really can’t get enough of bright colors this summer. My last post was all about orange, but quite frankly, I’m really loving turquoise now too!

Back in May, my husband and I traveled to Cancun for our honeymoon. I’ve never traveled anywhere with water quite like this before, so seeing such a gorgeous color in nature was truly amazing to me (or maybe it was just the “honeymoon high?”). Perhaps I’m a bit narcissistic, but I couldn’t stop staring at my toes either. Who doesn’t love a fresh pedi set against a serene beachy background? I chose Essie’s “In The Cab-Ana” for my vacation pedicure. I liked it because it was fun and bright, but I had no idea it was also going to match the beautiful turquoise water perfectly!

Now that we’re back from our honeymoon, this has become my “happy color.” Perhaps I’m partial, but I also think it’d be a great color for a boudoir photo shoot outfit. I think this turquoise would totally pop against crisp white sheets — just like a gorgeous white sand beach

Sexy Beach Boudoir San Jose Bay Area

 What do you think? Check out some inspiration below.


tropical turqoise



Summer isn’t over yet! Want to schedule your own tropical turquoise boudoir photo shoot at our studio in San Jose? Give us a call or email today.


408.460.1855 or

Calling All Brides! | San Jose Bay Area Bridal Boudoir Photography

Last year, long before she entered my Signature Coterie Girl search, she was a client. A client who wanted to knock the socks of her groom and va va va voom, did she ever look amazing! Miss Kristina decided to do a few bridal sets and then a full on sexy black bustier, garters and the works, but today I am just going to share a few from her actual bridal session! I figured why make the girl come in and shoot more bridals when I am sure she would rather have some new sexy images, which reminds me, you will want to read all the way through this post… trust me.

Moving right along… Kristina had some fun playing up the old, new, borrowed and blue. From pretty blue toes to sparkling jewelry, this girl certainly knows how to accessorize! We did a combination of veils, white outfits, cute bride jacket, blue panties and even a sheet set. Kristina booked the very popular Contessa Package which is two full hours in front of the camera, a gorgeous 8×8 Luxe Album and 20 digital files. Because of her outfit selection one outfit got multiple looks when we started pealing away the pieces. So Kristina had lots of gorgeous images to choose from!

Here are a few of my favorite images from her session.

San Jose Bay Area sexy bridal boudoir photography

Check out these amazing shoes! I said shoes, people. Shoes. Hahaha.

San Jose Bay Area Sexy Bridal Boudoir

Being playful…

San Jose bay Area sexy bridal boudoir

And of course I couldn’t resist a fun little shot with all these great accessories while she was changing outfits. hehehe.

San Franscico Bay Area Sexy Bridal Boudoir Photography

As with every session that takes place at the Boudoir Coterie San Jose Studio, we customize the sets and looks just for you. So no matter what you decide to wear, we will make sure you look so hot that there is no chance of him getting cold feet on your wedding day. In fact there is a good chance he will be waiting at the alter long before the ceremony begins, tapping his foot in excitement for what’s to come!

Casting Call!

Okay, so now let’s have some fun. I want to shoot a bridal session with a new face and that could be YOU! Here is your opportunity for you to participate in a  Bridal Boudoir Session!

What it is: A two hour session with Hair and MU and 1 digital files of your choosing. 15% off any addition products.

What is required:

  1. You MUST consent to FULL USE of your images. This may be online, social media, marketing etc… if you are unsure about having your images posted or used publicly then you will not qualify. I want a fresh new bridal shoot to share. Thus, this is the #1 requirement. (Please take consideration on whether this is something your soon to be husband will be okay with).
  2. You must be willing to share these images right away, this means if you are wanting a surprise gift for your fiance, you may not want to do this as there is that slight chance it could get back to him BUT I never share names of clients, tag or anything of the sort, so if you keep it hush hush, he might not find out. If you’re getting married late Sept, this will be PERFECT for you!
  3. Session will take place no later than August 31st.
  4. Must be available on a weekday morning for the shoot.
  5. To be considered, please send ONE HEAD SHOT and ONE FULL BODY shot to along with your name, age, wedding date and contact info. These do NOT have to be professional images, but they must be clear so I can see what you look like.
  6. There is no cash value.

Other info: Album prices begin at $750, digital collections begin at $400(for 5). I just want everyone to be aware of my prices BEFORE submitting your images so that there is no surprise when you decide to place your bridal order.

 Complimentary session and digital file are valued at $650.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer