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Caption: I’m a HUGE GoT fan so when the hubby shared this drink with me, I bought the ingredience, made it, and then laughed until I cried. (you should have seen it before the froth died down!) White Walker recipe: Fill a tall glass with ice. Pour white chocolate liqueur halfway up the glass. Fill the rest of the glass up with vanilla cream soda. Slowly and gently pour a spoonful of blue curaçao over the top (drink should look layered: light blue on top with white below).
What they don’t mention– this soda has a lot of frothy fizz and the cream liquor separates in the soda. There is no way this is how the original drink pictured is made! #stilltastesgood #cheers 🹠#nailedit Show us your attempts. tag #whitewalkerbcoterie
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What they don’t mention– this soda has a lot of frothy fizz and the cream liquor separates in the soda. There is no way this is how the original drink pictured is made! #stilltastesgood #cheers 🹠#nailedit Show us your attempts. tag #whitewalkerbcoterie
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