The Latest From Instagram | San Jose Boudoir Photography

If I didn’t have this full time #photography gig, I think I would get into #decor and #refinishing #furniture!
I had been staring at this not so pretty piece of furniture at a friend’s house for a very long time and since she had recently redecorated her living room, I offered to help her give it a #makeover. She let me have at it but not without sudden gasps of horror as I added new colors. LOL. BUT, in the end she agreed to let me have my way with it. She said “you’ll just do what you want anyway” which I heard as, “I trust you Danea, because you are #amazing, smart, #talented, beautiful, a good dancer and I’ll just sit here and listen to your #stunning singing voice while you work.” Or something like that? Pretty close, right @devonkenny?
The hints of color match her accent pieces. I’m surprised she let me add so much “#grunge”, but it looks beautiful in her room. Honestly, I think it would look even better with a stain on it before the clear coat but she said no. Haha
I could get lost in the the #relaxation that is distressing art… At least for me, #painting, #sanding, dry brush etc… My heart is happy creating and getting my hands dirty!
I want to know what love to do and find relaxing, even if it’s hard to find the time for? Tag Boudoir Coterie and show me!
#notjustaprettyface #boudoirphotographer #boudoircoterie #istherenothingicantdo #yes #alotactually #notbadforacripplethough #ificandoityoucandoit #myhusbandsaiditlookslikeeasterthrewuponit #punk
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