I used my juicer twice after my last post. TWICE. Way to stay accountable, Danea.
*Hangs head in shame*
I used my juicer twice after my last post. TWICE. Way to stay accountable, Danea.
*Hangs head in shame*
Happy Tushy Tuesday everyone!!!
I hope your week is off to a great start. Mine, not so much. I mean fabulous clients as always, but a strange allergic reaction to Flonase has left me with very itchy skin hives and I’m ready for them to be gone. Of course the joke is that Flonase is the type of medicine they give to get RID of allergic reactions so go figure that it would cause one in me. Never a dull moment!
Butt enough about me(see what I did there) it’s Tushy Tueday and we have a lovely image for you today. The fabulous Miss A was gracious enough to allow us to share one of her images, adorned in this gorgeous plum bra, panty and garter set from Besos Lingerie in Los Gatos. So very pretty!
Last year I had the honor of photographing Miss K. I’m going to be straight up with this- she was nervous, shy, doubtful and couldn’t see her beauty.
She isn’t the first client to feel this way about herself and she won’t be my last. Honestly, it’s a hard struggle for both of us. That frustration in seeing such a kind and beautiful women who is lost in self doubt and insecurities, is a hard one. The voices in her head remained throughout the shoot but I could see that twinkle in her eye grow with each new set. It was a look of wanting. Wanting to believe my words as I instinctively complimented her and got excited over certain shots. Wanting to feel beautiful. Wanting to let go and believe in herself. She put her trust in me. That was a big step for her. She allowed me to take control and guide her through it.
Then the day of her reveal came. “No, no, nope, no, maybe, no…” and my heart sank. Her first pass through her images and she rejected almost every single one. I was stunned. The shots were amazing and I couldn’t wrap my head around what she might have been thinking. What was she seeing that I wasn’t? Or better yet, what couldn’t she see that I did? She went through them again “Maybe, okay, no, nope. Maybe…” It was an improvement. Then, she slowly went through them again “Yes, maybe, okay, yes, yes, YES. I just, I can’t believe this is me! I’m really not used to seeing myself like this. It’s just so different to see myself with makeup and my hair… I really like this one…” and there it was, that sparkle in her eye was back. She allowed herself to look and feel beautiful. She allowed herself to like what she saw.
In the end, she added images to her album.
I will never know the depths of her story. Why she hurt, why she was so critical of herself or why she needed this so much, but I am thankful that I was the photographer she chose. Thank you so much Miss K for trusting me and allowing me to share your amazing images. Hopefully this will encourage other women to do the same; to believe in themselves and love what they see.
So here they are, so many of her beautiful images!
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Happy Tushy Tuesday!
Boudoir Coterie has been very busy the past few weeks. Between clients, a mini family vacation and filming an episode of Plus Life(coming this fall) at our San Jose portrait studio yestyerday, we have missed a few blogs posts, including Tushy Tuesday. However, today we are back in full swing with an ass grabbing image! Hahaha See what I did there?
Okay so here it is, enjoy this cute tush and thank you Miss C for letting me share!
Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!