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Tushy Tuesday | San Jose Bay Area Photographer

I cannot miss another Tushy Tuesday! Although this shot could also be considered a leg or shoe shot, I believe it’s a wonderful combo of all three!

What I would give for these legs. Sigh.

Enjoy and happy Tushy Tuesday everyone!

Sexy photos San Jose, San Francisco

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer



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Fashion Friday – Another Etsy Holiday | San Jose Boudoir Photography

I seriously don’t know where this year has gone, but apparently it’s holiday shopping time already (at least according to the 900 retail emails I get each day). Last year I put together a fun Etsy gift guide, and since it’s Fashion Friday, I thought it’d be fun to do another one with a focus on accessories and other things you can wear. Who doesn’t love a cozy scarf or sparkly jewelry?

In case you’re not familiar, Etsy is an e-commerce site that focuses mainly on handmade and vintage goods. Since almost anyone can open up an Etsy shop, it’s a perfect place to support small businesses and to find some really unique stuff. Of course, the downside is that there’s a whole lot of garbage on Etsy too, but that’s always good for a few laughs.

One of the things I really love about Etsy is that you can find unique gifts at all different price points, and no one needs to know how much you spent! I tried to include items to fit every budget, and there is nothing more than (or really even close to) $100. No matter the cost, I always think it’s special to receive a gift that’s handmade or one of a kind. You can’t put a price tag on that.

An Etsy Holiday

1. Blue Lapis Necklace – $49

2. Coin Purse – $16

3. Plum Druzy Earrings – $75

4. Stained Glass Pendant – $33

5. Tempe Messenger/Make-up Bag – $24

6. Homestead Rustic Triangle Bra – $55

7. Small Stud Earrings – $12

8. Handmade Wool Knit Hats – $49

9. Blanket Infinity Scarf – $46




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Black Friday/Cyber Monday Special!!! |San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photos

Okay, here it is and if you follow Boudoir Coterie you know I rarely run specials. Get it while you can as sessions are limited!

This will be perfect for that special Valentine, or a wonderful gift for yourself… or tell HIM this is what you want Christmas! Either way, you’ll need to move fast as these booked up pretty darn fast last year!

Happy Holidays, everyone!

Boudoir Coterie Best Boudoir Photographer in San Jose


Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer


Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

Fashion Friday – Update & Scandalous Loungewear | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Before I get started with the fun stuff, I wanted to give a quick update to my bra-fitting PSA post from a few weeks ago (this one).

After wearing my new bra from Nordstrom for a few weeks, I really wanted to purchase a second one, but couldn’t stomach spending another $70 right away. I had what I thought was a brilliant idea and headed to Nordstrom Rack to see if perhaps they had something similar to my bra in an unpopular color or older style or something. I mean, that’s how “outlets” work, right? (I’m being somewhat sarcastic here).

When I got to Nordstrom Rack I found a very similar looking Natori bra for $30 and figured it was probably a previous iteration of the one I bought at Nordstrom. I was in a rush, so I grabbed it without trying it on and was on my way.

Well, when I got home I was really disappointed to see that what I bought appeared to be an inferior copy of my $70 bra. The fabric is different, cups are molded into an odd shape, seams don’t look as nice as the more expensive one, etc. I was a little bummed but figured as long as it felt the same it didn’t really matter that much. Wrong. After wearing the $30 bra for a few days, I can say with certainty that the more expensive bra was absolutely worth it. The Nordstrom Rack version doesn’t fit as well, gives me a weird shape, has an intolerably scratchy tag (which I keep forgetting to cut out), and just all around isn’t as comfortable. While I’m the first one to love a good bargain, this is just further confirmation that you get what you pay for, and when it comes to bras, it’s worth the extra money!

Okay, so that ended up being longer than I anticipated, but I really want to make sure no one makes the same mistake I did. Instead of being out $140 for two good quality bras, I’m going to be out $170 for two good quality bras and one crappy one.

Now for the fun stuff!

I’m a little behind the times, but my husband and I started watching Scandal, the ABC drama staring Kerry Washington, a few weeks ago and are totally hooked. It started one night while we were browsing Netflix looking for a movie to watch. Per the usual, we couldn’t agree on one, and had a conversation that went something like this:

Me: I’d like to try watching Scandal one day.

Husband: I wouldn’t mind watching it. Let’s try an episode.

The next thing we know it’s 4 AM and we’ve watched all of Season 1 (which isn’t quite as many episodes as the others).

Scandal is currently in its fourth season on ABC, and the show has received all kinds of buzz over the years. One thing that seems to be a big obsession is the main character Olivia Pope’s wardrobe. She’s definitely one stylish lady, but what really caught my eye was her loungewear. Whenever there’s a late night knock on her door, she’s always looking exceptionally posh in various layers of neutral colored silks and cashmeres, while sipping red wine from her signature long-stem glasses (and probably munching on some popcorn too). She really puts my “cat-hair-covered yoga pants and Target tank top” lounging wardrobe to shame. Needless to say — I am envious, so I put together a style board of Olivia Pope inspired loungewear to share with you folks.

scandalous loungewear
While all of these pieces are perfect for relaxing at home and catching up on Netflix, I think they’re meant to be seen, and would also be perfect for a soft and sexy boudoir session. Now that the cooler months are here, there’s nothing sexier than a lacy bra peeking out from a soft and snuggly sweater!



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

Tushy Tuesday | Best Boudoir Photographer in the San Jose Bay Area

I’m feeling sassy, hence the blog title. It made me laugh and I figured, why the heck not, I’m feeling like it today! I have been booked pretty solid the past couple weeks and every session has been fabulous! Just this morning we ended with a butt shot and I said “Aaaaaand… you just made Tushy Tuesday!” Client: “YES!!!” Haha!

Sass can be a very good thing and so can confidence. I have seen every gorgeous woman leave my studio the past few weeks with a smile and an air of confidence about them that makes me beyond happy. I actually think I get a bit of a high doing what I do. I get so excited during the session when I capture beautiful poses and expressions. And to show a client and see her smile, it’s awesome. But I’m sure I am sounding like a broken record so let’s get on with it.

Here is yet another beautiful tushy, or tushie, or tushi, however you choose to spell it, it still looks fabulous!

Sexy pictures in San Jose

Sexy Portraits San Jose Bay Area

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer




Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

Fashion Friday – Dollhouse Bettie | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Happy Friday, everyone!

Last week Danea posted a video from a recent session, which was the inspiration for this week’s Fashion Friday.

While all of the shots were absolutely gorgeous, I instantly fell in love with the black lace bodysuit featured in the video and had to ask Danea about it. She believed it was Dollhouse Bettie brand from Besos Lingerie in Los Gatos, and she was correct.

If you’re not sure what I’m talking about, here’s Danea’s original post, where the bodysuit is featured in both the holiday promotion shot and session video.

Speaking of which, if you’re thinking of booking a session for the holidays, there are only four weeks until the deadline. Annnd – if you want to wear or give this sexy bodysuit. Here it is on the Dollhouse Bettie site:


Although I’ve shopped at Besos before, I’ve never heard of Dollhouse Bettie, so I did a little browsing and was very impressed! They have a flagship store in San Francisco and also sell their line at various lingerie boutiques, like Besos, across the country. What’s even better is that all of the Dollhouse Bettie (they carry a few other lines on their site) lingerie is made in the USA right in San Francisco. Pretty neat. Here are a few more of my favorites:

It looks like I’m going with a black lace theme here, but how gorgeous is this robe? It looks comfortable and sexy (my favorite combo) and could be worn with a cute bra and panty set underneath – or nothing.

Mixing things up a bit, this set would be gorgeous for a bridal session. I love how it pairs a classic white boy short (with a surprise in the back) with a totally unique bralette top.

And just to prove they have more than lace, how cute is this little polka dot number? It looks fun and flirty…like I kind of want to put that top on and dance around my room singing into a hair brush. Don’t judge.



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

Extraordinary Eyes – Fashion Friday| San Jose Bay Area Makeup Class

Makeup Class web

I have decided to host my own makeup class but with full disclosure, I am NOT a professional makeup artist, but I do work with some so obviously I’m just like a pro. *snort*

I’m totally kidding, I’m not  a pro, just a gal who has a love for all things girly, including makeup!

This is going to be a fun class where I teach you all the tips and tricks I have learned over the years. The class will highlight a variety of products, what they are, why we use them, and HOW we use them! The best part is that you will be receiving a class kit(those are just some of the goodies pictured above) with ALL the products to take home so you will be able to recreate what we learned in class!

We will create a day to evening eye, which will include a beautiful smokey eye.

This class is all about the eye, I will not be teaching anything about foundations or contouring, it’s an eye class. Eye makeup only, I cannot stress this enough. LOL.

There will also be refreshments and giveaways and it’s on a Saturday afternoon so you can leave with beautiful eye makeup, ready to paint the town!

For all the details and more info please click right here. Or HERE, or even here. (It’s the same link, I just wanted to make sure it wasn’t missed. 😉

Spaces are limited and you only have until Nov 5th to purchase!


Can’t attend but want to get in on the fun?


 Enter to win this bag with goodie!!!

where to get sexy photos taken

  • Small makeup Case
  • Lotion wipes(my favorite!)
  • Black no sharpen eye liner
  • Lip liner in Raisin(another personal fav)
  • Eye Refresh
  • Earth tone eye shadow palette

**Please note, I will be checking the entries and removing those that did not follow through. I’m hard core like that.

Open to legal residents of USA and Canada only.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer