Wardrobe Inspiration | San Jose Boudoir Photography

Ok, so yeah, I have been a little MIA the past few weeks. I had foot surgery and have been recouping, wrapping up current clients and getting some business ducks in a row. I am happy to say that this *time off* (Hahahahahahahahahahha, time off, that’s a good one. *Snort*) will soon come to an end. April is officially booked but I do have May sessions still available so for those of you still on the fence, give me a call and we can meet at my San Jose Studio for a complimentary consult. I don’t pressure anyone to book, consults are simply a way for you to get to know myself, my products and how a session with me goes down. 😉


In other news…

While procrastinating this morning… uh, I mean “researching” I came across a wonderful new time suck. Ummm yeah, I might be late to the game, but I just discovered Polyvore (Okay, I had heard of it but never actually explored it) and hot damn is it fun to put some outfit ideas together!

Just click the image or links below to see the individual items, but so you don’t get all crazy when you see the prices, just remember that these are guides for wardrobe inspiration. Sure, you could click the link to purchase or you could go find items of similar fashion that suits your budget. It’s totally up to you. Let them be your boudoir fashion muse…

Soft & Sassy

Soft & Sassy Boudoir
Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

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One comment

  • Cass Martinez March 13, 2012   Reply →

    LOVE! I really like that soft pink and the sparkly jewelry!

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