The Beauty Of Boudoir | San Jose Boudoir & Glamour Photography

In recent months I have been putting a little more emphasis on the beauty factor during my shoots. By this I mean capturing those shots that my ladies can show off. These images are sexy, but not too revealing. Sometimes this is done while they are wearing lingerie, like this gorgeous shot of Miss M, who is wearing a slinky negligee that could easily be passed off for a pretty blouse or dress. It’s a beautiful image that could be shared with family and friends or displayed in her home.

San Jose Glamour and Portrait Photographer

The reason that I have been taking the time to include a few images of this style was due to the feedback from clients who have loved their images but wished they had something they could share without the worry of the images being too risqué for public viewing. Let’s face it, most of your boudoir images might be “for your eyes only” but as women, we ALL love the idea of having a gorgeous photo of ourselves to display with pride and why not make that happen while you are looking so dang good!? Our San Jose natural light studio is perfect for this type of portrait too, I swear it makes everyone’s skin look so radiant!

I love this next set, you look so stunning Miss M! (this was a last minute set, I provided the lace top and flower and I love the results!)

San Jose Bay Area Boudoir and glamour portraits

Now for those of you thinking “Yeah, but I want some really sexy shots?” Well, of course you do and don’t worry, we get lots of those too. I just wanted to show off the different varieties of images you’ll receive when you book a session with Boudoir Coterie. Besides, sometimes the sexiest images aren’t the most revealing, it’s about feeling gorgeous and when that happens,  the “sexy” soon follows. Here’s a full body view… Smokin’ Hot! 😉

San Jose Bay Area Couture Glamour Photography Studio

Now go ahead and give me a call so we can discuss what style you would like the emphasis on. Every session is customized to my client so CONTACT me soon and we’ll start planning your dream shoot!

Special thanks to our lovely Signature Coterie Girl, Andrea Alarcon who did an amazing job with Miss M’s makeup for this shoot. She’s beautiful and talented! 😉

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

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  • Adrienne May 8, 2012   Reply →

    Your work is always amazing Miss Danea! The top one is GREAT. My favorite is the profile pic of her laughing. Simply gorgeous!

    • admin May 9, 2012   Reply →

      Thank you so much Adrienne! That image is a favorite or hers to! 🙂 The first is one of mine.

  • Herb Irvin May 9, 2012   Reply →

    Hey Danea, Sending love your way. These are great images and the light is fantastic. Classy and sexy. her eyes are killer in the first image. She can show share all of these, I love classy photography.

  • Herb Irvin May 9, 2012   Reply →

    Oh… and my grammar, use of appropriate capital letters, and punctuation suck. Sorry.

    • admin May 9, 2012   Reply →

      Sweet, two comments…. lol. Thanks Herb, for the comments and compliments! 🙂

  • Andrea May 10, 2012   Reply →

    I love the natural smile or laugh shots! I swear those can be just as sexy… I agree, you don’t have to wear a risqué outfit to look sexy in these photos. You just have to feel sexy! Luckily, Danea is really good at making you feel beautiful and sexy!

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