Tushy Tuesday | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photos

Happy Accidents

We’ve all had them… that “Oops…Oh hey wait, that works!” That’s what happened with this shot, just as I went to click the shutter I moved the camera just a tad and got this sun flare. I did that little cuss in my head but was happily surprised when I started culling this sessions images. The sun flare made this nice circular frame around her tushy and I don’t even mind the few random spots. It’s almost like you can hear the angels sing… hahaha.  😉

Sexy photos San Jose Boudoir

So there you have it folks, today’s Tushy Tuesday= happy accident.

May your tush radiate and shine like the lovely Miss M’s.

Want your own fabulous tushy shot? Contact us today 408.460.1855 or bcoterie@sbcglobal.net

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Do You Pin? | San Jose Sexy Boudoir Photography

Pinterest, that wonderfully, evil, inspirational time suck. If you haven’t jumped on board you are either smart or missing out. Haha.

I love it and although I have been REALLY good about keeping it for business and posing inspiration I have noticed a few crafty things slipping into my boards, and I am sure more awesomey goodness will makes it way in, especially with Halloween right around the corner– it’s my favorite holiday, right next to Christmas, seriously they are kinda tied for the bestest most awesomest holidays in my books. I wonder how many words I made up in that last paragraph? But I digress…

I have many boards started and categorize mine by set… standing, sitting, bed, etc… this helps me with new ideas when flow posing.

Sexy photos San Jose Bay Area

I encourage clients who are also Pinterest users to start an inspiration board. It doesn’t matter where they find the images as long as they are images they love– meaning they do not have to be from my website but that is always a bonus. Hahaha. Actually I think it’s kind of cool when I see images posted from fellow photographers that I know personally, heck I post their images too! I even pull up Pinterest boards while clients are getting beautified. It helps me get into a creative zone and it inspires me to try new things in a shoot. I don’t copy images outright but I may try a pose or an element from a pose. I also look at body types and what poses might work for different clients. For example, we once tried this pose of J-Lo only to discover that girlfriend must have some very long legs, or a short torso or something because it just didn’t work… but it did make for a lot of laughs. 😉

Sexy sitting pose San Jose Boudoir

So there you have it, yet another inspirational way to use this amazing site– Boudoir. So do you use Pinterest? Would you use it for shoot inspiration? I believe they now have private boards so really there is no excuse. And yes we can pull it up during your shoot!

So go ahead, be inspired by sexiness. Pinterest isn’t just for recipes, kid crafts and home improvement anymore. *wink, wink*

Ready to put that inspiration to good use? Contact us today and I promise I will make you worthy of being pinned(even if they will never actually make it online). 🙂

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

P.S. Of course you may pin from this site!

San Francisco’s Ultimate Women’s Expo | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photography

Oh look, it’s all about me. Awkward.

Boudoir Coterie

I am so excited to announce that not only will Boudoir Coterie be attending the SF Ultimate Women’s Expo, I will be getting up and speaking. Like, onstage. Just me. In front of everyone. By myself. What have I done!?

Okay in all seriousness, I am probably more nervous that no one will actually come and listen to me speak(except a handful of friends who have already expressed their support, YAY! At least some seats will be full) than I am about being on stage. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m pretty sure my heart will be in my throat for the first couple of minutes but the truth is, I really don’t mind public speaking or being onstage.  Not a shocker that I am no wall flower, huh? Ha! However this will be my first time doing so and talking all about me. <— THAT is nerve wracking. I kinda think most people will be a bit more excited to hear Joan Rivers and Niecy Nash, but thankfully they aren’t speaking when I am. Phewf. I am not going to go into all the details of what I will be speaking about but it will be some form of elaboration about my life, my disease, some stories and ultimately– how I ended up with my own boudoir photography business. 🙂 Side note: “Disease” sounds so harsh, like it’s contagious… reminds me that I once had a boyfriend ask me if Arthritis was contagious because his hands felt achy. Dumbass.

You can read my seminar description HERE. As of today, I am the second one down or scroll to the date: Saturday Oct 5th at 11:30 am. EEK, first thing in the morning. Yikes!

Okay, so more fun info… my lovely assistants Regina and Nicole along with this years Signature Coterie Girl, Kristina, will all be joining me in the booth. I am so thankful to have them all with me and they will be there to help answer any questions you might all have. P.S. They are all past clients so they have some inside knowledge. 😉 I will have show only booking specials and a take away card with booking specials for those who are unable to book at the show. This card will be good until Dec 31st. So you will definitely want to come by the booth. We are in BOOTH 532, which is almost show center, middle aisle!

Oh hey, did I mention that there will be a drawing for a 30 minute White Sheet session? If you want the details you will have to come and see us! Sneaky, huh?

And lastly, I will be giving away 5 Free Tickets good for Expo entry for TWO people each. All you have to do is leave a blog comment by Monday Sept 23rd when I will randomly draw the names from all entrants. I will post the winners on the next Tushy Tuesday post.

Alright, now I must get back to writing my presentation and designing my booth. Trying not to stress out. It will be an amazing event, full of fun and shopping so please come by and say hello! I just hope I will get some time to do a little shopping myself. 😉

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

Tushy Tuesday | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photography

Cute bum shots, I think every client wants them. 🙂

So I have a friend… okay, so I actually have more than just one friend *snicker* but this friend  in particular that I am speaking of today, is a fantastic boudoir photographer up in Denver Colorado. Her name is Brooke and she is the owner of Brooke Summer Photography. She started a feature a while back called Tushy Tuesday where every Tuesday she features a cute tushy on her blog. Yup a post about bums. Haha.

I think this is a cute idea and I am going to join in on the fun. So here is our first ever Tushy Tuesday feature. The lovely Miss L and her adorable satin bow pink panties.

Happy “Tushy” Tuesday Everyone!

Now get out there and shake that thing. 😉

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer

The Mighty Dolman Tee|San Jose Boudoir Photography

Boudoir Coterie Portrait photographyIt’s no secret that we at Boudoir Coterie are big fans of the “sexy-casual” look for photo sessions. It makes for a great warm-up outfit before moving on to the more risque stuff (if that’s in your cards) and most often results in some playful, fun and sexy photos. What’s not to love?

As I mentioned in my recent post about more modest boudoir outfit ideas, I did a sexy-casual set and wore a super cute, heather gray dolman-sleeve top with soft blue boy shorts on the bottom. While I love all of my photos, this set is absolutely my favorite, and what’s even better is that although I bought this shirt specifically for my session, I still wear it ALL the time!

In case you’re wondering exactly what a dolman sleeve shirt is, it typically has looser arm holes with sleeves that are tighter at the wrists, though the name is used rather loosely. These shirts often have larger neck openings and are sometimes short and boxy (which is why I usually layer mine over a tank when I wear it in public).

Personally, I love having multi functional pieces in my wardrobe, and this shirt is a great one. Here’s me wearing my shirt for my boudoir session and at the beach on my honeymoon.

San Jose bay Area sexy t-shirt bridal boudoir

If you’re planning a boudoir session and want to invest in items that you’ll wear again, I highly recommend getting this type of shirt. Here are a few ways I wear mine:

1. Layered over a tank, with yoga pants and flip-flops when I’m running errands (or actually on my way to and from yoga)

2. With jeans instead of yoga pants, a tank top, statement necklace and casual wedges for a more polished casual look

3. Lounging around the house with pajama shorts (sometimes I even sleep in it)

4. Over a swimsuit and shorts as a beach cover-up

The shirt I have is from Macy’s and I can’t find the exact style anymore, but I scoured the internet to find some other options that might pique your fancy. What’s even better is that these are all on sale, so get them quick before they’re gone!

1. Victoria’s Secret – High-Low Dolman Tee

2. Anthropologie – Frankie Dolman

3. Ideology – Dolman-Sleeve Striped Banded Pullover (This is the same brand as mine but the style looks a little different)

4. AE – Brunch Tee

Here are a few varying sleeve styles…

Dolman Tee

Caslon slouchy tee / Rachel Rachel Roy dolman sleeve t shirt / RVCA t shirt

If those aren’t enough reasons to run out and get one of these t-shirts right now, they’re also incredibly comfortable and extremely forgiving on days when you’re feeling a little less fabulous (I don’t like to use that three letter “F” word”).

Already own a dolman tee? Let us know how you like to wear yours in the comments. And if you’re ready to wear it for a boudoir photo session in our San Jose studio, please give us a call!

bcoterie@sbcglobal.net or 408.460.1855
