I wanted to let everyone know that I am doing well. The surgery was a success. The surgeon discovered that all artificial knuckles were still inserted in the bone. We had suspected that they had all come out when in fact all four joints had simply dislocated. This was good news because we were worried that if the joints had come out of the bone, replacing them with the futile.
Thankfully my pain has been minimal, it’s just frustrating only having one hand to use. On Friday my boys accompanied me to the doctors, both were dressed as clone troopers and I felt like I had personal bodyguards. HAHA. Unfortunately it seems that I will be living in sweat pants for the next few weeks. Most of my pants are too hard to do up with one hand, well, my remaining crippled hand that is. 😉

In other news, I discovered that my computer has voice recognition software. I was getting really frustrated trying to type and use capitals with one hand and was mostly giving up so I was typing with all lowercase. Would you believe that I’m dictating this whole blog posts? This is so awesome and I am so excited, like giddy child just given ice cream on a hot day, excited. Like, husband handed an album full of pictures of his sexy hot wife, excited. Wait, not quite that kind of excited, but you know what I mean.
As for appointment times I may have one or two sessions still available in May(three consultations this week so those might fill quickly) but I still have spots available for June, perfect for late summer and Fall brides!
Lots of sexy images to come in the following weeks!