It’s been a while since I have posted a personal post and what better time than the start of the New Year and with some changes heading my way?
We had a crazy busy, yet wonderful Chrsitmas. My mother flew in Christmas Eve and surprised the boys Christmas morning… or maybe they surprised her, either way it wasn’t exactly as we planned but it was still fantastic. Here’s my two little guys and our last minute Christmas card that I wasn’t going to do but heard complaints that I just *had* to send one because a few people look forward to my cooky cards each year. Hahaha

Yup, these are my two crazy kids that keep my life insanely wonderful.
This is my youngest cutie, Odin and I on Christmas eve when we went driving around and looking at Christmas lights. My selfies rarely turn out. Haha. Confession: For being a photographer by trade I am ashamed to admit that after putting so much pressure on myself to make every family image perfect, I stopped using and bringing my “good” camera altogether. It was very liberating at first but now I rarely take anything more than cel phone shots of my kids and I usually forget to do even that. For example, daddy and Asa were with us and walking hand in hand in front and I didn’t even think about taking that shot until it was too late. Maybe I need to make a resolutions to take nice pictures at least once a month. Sigh.

2013 was a great year. Business has been steadily growing and I am starting to see a return of past clients. How awesome is that!? When I decided to only shoot women and mainly boudoir, I never imagined that I would see return clients, I mean the majority of the women I work with tell me that this is a once in a lifetime event and that’s one of the reasons they are okay with spending so much. It is the best compliment to have them come back again because they loved the experience and how it made them feel! I have also seen an increase in personal referrals. There is one amazing family that I adore who have all been in. Three sisters, cousins, friend and their mother! 🙂 So far 2014 is shaping up to be a good year too, despite my ringing in the new year cleaning up puke from my oldest child and consoling a terrified doggie who was shaking so violently from the fireworks in our neighborhood, I already have bookings through April!
So here is the biggest news… if you have read my About page, you’ll know I have severe Rheumatoid Arthritis. My hands are the worst and I have long said that as long as I can hold my camera I will be fine! Well a couple weeks ago I felt pain in my left hand, a left hand long crippled with fusions and artificial joints. I had been waiting until I had pain before scheduling surgery even though it was clear years ago that something wasn’t right with the joints they put in in 2005. Well that time has come and on Jan 22nd I will be having more reconstructive hand surgery. I have no idea what will go down but again, and as I told the doctor, “as long as I can hold my camera, I don’t care what you have to do!” 🙂
This is what he has to work with:

The funny thing is that I really don’t have much pain and haven’t until whatever happened a couple weeks ago to trigger a strange pain and ache. The bad news here is that I won’t be shooting for 8 weeks. Aaaahhh!!! This means that I am now booking for April and May. With Feb and March now out of the picture(end of March sessions are now fully booked) I imagine April and May months will book up fast with the bridal season approaching. Point being, don’t wait too long to contact me since those inquiring in Feb & March will be first in line to fill up April and May.

Now I have a question that I hope you all will give me some feedback on… via comments right here on the blog.
 I am thinking about offering a makeup class, taught by yours truly. This would teach basic tips and tricks that I have learned over the years geared around eye makeup. The class would include an eye palette, brushes and possibly liner and eye primer in your class fee. I want a class that includes everything so that you could literally go home and do what we learned in class without having to go out and do more shopping. However this will bring the class cost to $100-$125. It would be a 2 hour class and include refreshments and some fun giveaways.
Any interest?
Coming soon, favorite images of 2013!
Happy New Year everyone! May it be exciting, sexy and self confidence. 🙂