At the SF Ultimate Women’s Expo two weekends ago, we were asked more than once if the cute guy in the couples display shot was provided. Sadly, he is not. Unlike other props I think it would be illegal to keep him locked away at the studio, plus it would probably make his wife sad. Haha.
In recent weeks there has been a jump in website hits looking for couples boudoir along with many questions about what a shoot entails from both potential clients and fellow photographers. So I thought today would be a good day to share how I do a couples shoot and what you can expect. I will start by sharing how I like to shoot couples which is slightly different than working with just women. I like my regular boudoir to have a soft, romantic and classy feel. However I want my couples sessions to be hot and steamy with a romantic twist. My goal is to capture that emotion and sexiness that comes with intimacy. I want these images to provoke the warm and fuzzies with clients. A few months back I was asked by a photographer preparing for his first couples session if it gets weird or awkward… like do you feel you are intruding because they are getting turned on. This leads me to my first point…
1. It’s not what it seems.
My job as a photographer is to make these images appear to capture hot and steamy moments. “Appear” being the key word. I do NOT photograph porn and nothing is actually happening. Every image you see is set up, that’s not to say there isn’t some adlibbing going on when I request it but everything from hand placement, head tilt , wardrobe details, back arching, legs, facial expressions, smile, no smile, slight smile, “go for the kiss but stop just before touch”–ALL of it is staged. The truth is, there is little time for clients to get turned on because I am demanding their full attention through instruction.
Capturing images that look like they are in the heat of the moment.รย

Looks pretty steamy right?
So after shooting in the hallway we went back into the studio for some tender moment shots. Again, perfectly staged.

In this last set, I asked the clients to move around slowly, anything that feels “natural” or as natural as can be while half naked with a photographer two feet in front of you and an assistant aiming a blow dryer at your face. Which brings me to my next point…
2. We laugh a lot!
It’s not all strict posing, there is a lot of trial and error and a LOT of laughing. Just like in single sessions, some of the best looks feel ridiculous to do. But there is one thing that remains the same– I LOVE laughing shots. The great thing about couples is that laughing often comes naturally given the circumstances. Now sometimes I get the giggles and the lovely Leslie(the gorgeous lady in these shots) and myself got the giggles more than once. Ha!

So what are a few other key notes?
- You won’t have time to be nervous.
- Couples session take around 3 hours to shoot… sounds long, but it goes by fast.
- Couples session cost $150 more than a regular session so it can be added to any 2 hour package or session.
- I tend to make the men more of a prop. Not saying they don’t get some of the focus but they are usually a little more reluctant so we keep the girl front and center and let him relax a little.
- There is a VERY slim chance that the guy may get aroused while kissing on his wife but that fades pretty fast when he’s pulled back into the reality that he has an audience. If that doesn’t help I will point and laugh(haven’t had to go there yet).
- No I will not shoot simulated sex. So don’t even bother asking.
- If I get a creepy vibe from a couple, I won’t photograph you and I have the right to say no. Couple sessions are fun and the resulting images can be amazing but if I get the feeling this is some weird freaky fantasy and you are going to push past my comfort zones then I will pull the plug. (You would not believe the amount of creepster phone calls I receive).
- I will only photograph a couple after meeting both parties. I need to know that you are both on board and willing.
- The guy MUST keep undies on.
- I will pose and guide you all the way so unless you have inspiration shots that you want to try, you do not have to worry about knowing what to do or how to pose!
If you have any questions regarding a couples session feel free to post them in the comments and I will answer them asap!
Now before I sign off I wanted to say one last thing… I want to say a huge thank you to Leslie and her awesome hubby for allowing me to use their images! Not only that but the lovely Miss Leslie is also a an amazing Boudoir Photographer and I cannot tell you how honored I was when she contacted me about doing a session! You can check out her gorgeous work at Lavish Boudoir located in Valdosta, Georgia.
You guys were fabulous and I will def’ share more images at a later date.
Here are a few more B&W that I love.

So, do you think you might be ready for a couples session? ๐
Give us a call today 408.460.1855 or