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    The Boudoir Coterie Ladies

    We are an all female team with the same end goal... to make you look and feel gorgeous!

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Boudoir Coterie is a luxury experience that is worth every penny!

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VIP Referral Program

Now anyone can earn their way to a glamorous Coterie session. Check out the details here!



For all the latest happenings including sessions, Tushy Tuesday and fashion Friday!



See what our clients have to say about their Coterie experience!

Makeup Monday | San Jose Bay Area Makeup Artist Photography

I would like to introduce myself to you since I will be bringing you Boudoir Coterie’s Makeup Monday! My name is Mari, owner of Dolled Up Services in San Jose . I have over 12 years of experience as a Hair & Makeup artist! I’m excited to get this started so please comment on what you would like to read about in regards to makeup, beauty or even skin!

I have received many questions regarding highlight and contour and let me start by saying you DON’T have to look like Kim K to achieve mastering this technique! LOL highlight is achieved by adding a lighter tone(two shades lighter than skin) to the areas you want to bring out or accentuate , such as over brows, under brow bone, over cheek bone, cupids bow and over nose bridge. Contouring is a blend of a warmer bronze tone and a neutral brown(two shades darken than skin) to sculpt and create shadows in the face which will make the areas appear slimmer or more defined, such as near hair line, sides of nose bridge and tip, under cheek bones, chin and neck line. Now the million dollar tip for you is to accentuate and sculpt the part YOU want to bring forward or the part YOU want to slim or diminish. You do not have to highlight and sculpt every area unless you want a very defined and made up outcome. Hope this helps dolls!!!!!

San Jose makeup artist Bay Area

Hair and Makeup by Mari


Please visit my website if you have any questions and drop me an email! www.dolledupservices.com
Stay beautiful , Mari <3

Fashion Friday | Saratoga CA Boudoir Photography

I’m not going to lie, or hide it. I LOVE chiffon and peek-a-boo lingerie. I have mentioned it before, but I have a slight addiction to vintage Peignoir sets on ebay. When I saw this gorgeous what to wear guide on Polyvore I knew I had to share. Unfortunately these pieces are just a wee bit out of my price range, but they are simply stunning! Such a classy look to each option and with some thrifty shopping one could easily find some lower price alternatives!

I am starting to collect a few pieces to have in our San Jose studio, that way if clients cannot find something I will have some options on hand.

So what do you think about these sexy see through boudoir wardrobe ideas?

Sheer Art Deco

Kinda has a Great Gatsby vibe, and I’m all for the classic Hollywood look. So don’t be afraid to go old school sexy with a modern twist!

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer




Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

Boudoir Session | San Jose Beautiful and Sexy Portrait Studio

This is Miss K. She is sweet, funny and daring. She also ROCKED her boudoir session.

Best bay area Boudoir Photographer

I am so thrilled to be able to share the majority of her images. Although, like many others it kills me a little to not be able to share the super sexy, semi naughty but still very tasteful(hehehe) nude sheet set! So for all those freaking out a little about privacy and whether you have to share images, I take it VERY seriously!!! You do not have to share anything. Being able to show boudoir session images is fantastic for both me, so I can show off my work, the client, who get’s ooh’d and aah’d over and for potential clients who want to say everyday women looking amazing!

Miss K knew exactly what she wanted when she arrived at our San Jose studio. She was well prepared with fabulous outfits that fit her beautifully and highlighted her amazing curves!

The funny part is that it took her almost a year to finally book and it was well worth the wait! You look gorgeous Miss K and thank you so much for allowing me to share your fabulous Boudoir Coterie photo session!

Boudour Coterie Beauty Glamour Lingerie Photography_0051

Sexy boudoir photo shoot in San Jose

I love this Dollhouse Betty outfit!

Best Bay Area boudoir Portrait Photographer

Boudour Coterie Beauty Glamour Lingerie Photography_0056

Boudour Coterie Beauty Glamour Lingerie Photography_0055

I LOVE this baby doll and how we glammed it up with jewels. She exudes sexiness and confidence! You go girl!!!

Boudour Coterie Beauty Glamour Lingerie Photography_0057

Boudour Coterie Beauty Glamour Lingerie Photography_0058

And of course that sweet and natural sexy “girl next door look”. 🙂

Boudour Coterie Beauty Glamour Lingerie Photography_0059

Did I mention that this beautiful gal has already hinted to wanting to schedule another shoot? Hehehe. I don’t blame her, she looks hot as hell.

Now that’s how you work a boudoir session!

Thanks again Miss K!

Sexy Portraits San Jose Bay Area

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer




Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!



Tushy Tuesday | San Jose Bay Area Bridal Boudoir

This is a favorite shot from a few years back and with the wedding season fast approaching I thought this would be the perfect tushy shot to feature! Plus Miss K has a wonderful tushy! 🙂

Happy Tushy Tuesday everyone!

Boudoir Coterie Tushy Tuesday 42

There’s only one way to get featured as a Boudoir Coterie Tushy Tuesday and that’s by contacting us to book your own fabulous sessions!

408.460.1855 | bcoterie @sbcglobal.net

or click below.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

Tushy Tuesday |San Jose bay Area Sexy Pictures

Happy Tushy Tuesdays 2015!

Here’s to another year filled with fabulous tushies. Lace, bare, garters, mesh covered, satin, you name it and we’ll have the wonderful tushies to share!

San Jose and San Francisco Boudoir

408.866.1804 | bcoterie @sbcglobal.net

or click below.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

Coterie Rear of the Year– Winner(s) | San Jose Bay Area Boudoir Photographer

I will happily admit that I kept tabs on voting all week and multiple times a day. It was exciting to see the votes coming in. Thank you to everyone who took the time to vote and to all the wonderful ladies who have allowed me to share their fabulous images. These tushies belong to such a range of ladies, different ethnicity, single, married, kids no kids, it’s a fabulous group and I am thrilled to get to work with so many different women. Best job ever!

Now for the results… It was a close race between #4 and #9 , they were neck and neck all week. They were so close in fact, that I have decided to award both of them!

Congratulation Ladies, I’ll be in touch shortly!

Best sexy photographer in the San Francisco Bay Area

 Thanks again to everyone who participated! Watch for the new year of tushies starting tomorrow! 🙂

408.866.1804 | bcoterie @sbcglobal.net

or click below.

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!

Boudoir Coterie’s Coterie Rear Of The Year! | The San Jose Bay Area’s #1 Boudoir Photographer

Welcome to Boudoir Coterie’s first annual “Coterie Rear of the Year” contest!

With so many fabulous tushies, I have decided to thank my clients by hosting this fun little contest. My assistant, Devon, went through and selected the top ten tushies that drew in the most visitors throughout the year. Below is that selection in random order and size(No joke, I used Blogstomp and it did it for me in 3.7 seconds!). All you have to do is vote, then share. If you have a favorite tushy from this list then share this blog link with your friends to help with voting!

The winner will receive a $350 Gift Credit to use towards any session or package and a $200 Gift Credit to give to a friend! Woot, woot!

 Thanks again to all my fabulous clients for allowing me to share all your amazing tushies! 🙂

Please keep this honest and fun!

Voting will be available for one week. Winner will be announced Monday, Jan 12th! Good luck, ladies!

[wpdevart_poll id=”1″ theme=”1″]

Want to be featured on Coterie’s Tushy Tuesday…

Sexy Photos San Jose Boudoir Photographer



Keep updated on all that is happening with Boudoir Coterie by joining our VIP Mailing list. You’ll also be the first to hear about upcoming events and specials, be privileged to VIP only offers, makeup and fashion tips and much more! P.S. We do not share or sell your info and you can unsubscribe at any time!