Show Off Those Curves!

San Jose Boudoir Photography

My husband posted a link on Facebook this morning to an ad from the 1960’s called Wate-On. I thought it was great and did some research on this product. This was a large campaign featuring many starlets and beauty queens.

It’s amazing how times have changed along with the populous view of what is beautiful. Personally I think a curvaceous figure is gorgeous and I long for curves in the right spot. Unfortunately my curves are on my hips and waste- wouldn’t be so bad if I was blessed with some upper endowment to even it all out but alas I am what is commonly called “The Pear”. Haha. I did however gain some bust line with the birth of my sons and happily sport a padded B cup, a long way from my AA’s days…Wahooo! It seems so strange to actually be considered “overweight” now. Many long to be “skinny” and as a girl who grew up on the skinny side it was not much fun. I was underweight do to years of medication and was cursed to drink Ensure in the hopes of putting on some pounds. Blech! Being called skinny all the time and being asked if I was anorexic was just as insulting as someone being called fat. It was hurtful and I longed for some curves.

The woman in this ad is not a skinny mini and yet look how gorgeous she is! I have heard for many years that most men actually like a little meat on the bones so why aren’t we embracing our true beauty more? I can assure you that your significant other finds you sexy the way you are right now. Enjoy it and by all means don’t let them call you skinny!

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  • Susanne December 29, 2010   Reply →

    I thought this was a cute article.

  • Hope August 4, 2011   Reply →

    Danea, I cannot agree with you more on your “unfortunately” letter. Everything you said is spot on!! I experienced every single on of those with you. You just forgot one thing….you (they) won’t be making a new friend!! That would be you. 😉

    • Hope August 4, 2011   Reply →

      oops, I put this comment in the wrong spot! lol!

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